Urgent Breast Clinic Referral

Hi everyone,


Recently, I discovered some lumpy swelling above my left breast, accompanied with pain that radiates into my shoulder. The pain has subsided a bit, however I now have a dull, achy, persistent pain in the side of my left breast beside my armpit. My breasts are quite lumpy, and so I can't differentiate between what is, and what isn't abnormal.


I went to see my GP on Monday, who was concerned about this area above my breast. He said he was putting through an urgent referral, "otherwise it could be months before you're seen." The pain in the side of my left breast started after this appointment. I can't help but think the worst, I have health anxiety and this has made it escalate so much. For context, I'm 25 years old and have no history of BC in my family. I have swollen lymph nodes (size of little peas) around my chest and above both breasts, and my right breast has little pains going through it now but only occasionally, in the same spot as on the left. My GP has prescribed me with clarithromycin and ibuprofen, although I can't tell if they're helping or not - no significant changes so far.


I realise it may turn out to be benign, however the signs aren't pointing to many benign breast conditions from what I've seen. I'm worried sick and can't stop crying, I can barely eat nor sleep with worry and it's a horrible, horrible feeling.


Has anyone had a similar experience to mine? I really need someone to talk to, or some reassurance. I know nobody can diagnose me here, I just really needed to vent how I'm feeling.


Thank you in advance xxx

  • No matter what google tells you (google can't tell you what you have or don't have. It's not a diagnostic tool), over 8/10 women who get referred to the breast clinic get diagnosed with benign conditions. Those conditions come in all shapes and colours so to speak.

  • As ProfBaw says only the doctors can diagnose, but you can take a little comfort perhaps from the comment that your GP is putting through an urgent referral "otherwise it could be months before you're seen". To put some context on this, see today's feature on routine gynae referrals in the Guardian (will try and add a link below).

    It sounds to me as if you have a very good GP who is being cautious and referring you as urgent to avoid any possibility of a cancer being missed but who, in different times, might perhaps simply have done a routine referral.


  • I've been trying not to look anything up as it made me spiral last week, I'm waiting on my referral letter to come through and I'm hoping it'll all be okay. It's difficult not to overthink something like this, I know there are so many things it could be, but it's the fear of the unknown :( thank you for the reassurance x

  • I'm 32 and got referred urgently due to changes in my breast had an ultrasound and biopsies taken 11 days ago and should get the results on Thursday. The wait for the initial appointment at the breast clinic and now the results have been the worst, google is our worst enemy at this point so i would try to avoid going on google. Fingers crossed you get an appointment soon. 

  • I hope that's the case, I now have two little yellow bruises on the top of my breast, and continued pain around my breast/armpit/shoulder/collarbone. The antibiotics I got prescribed did little, if anything to help, so I just need to wait and see when my referral is now. A small area of skin on the top of my breast has also changed, looks almost web-like and is smooth to the touch. My GP is calling on Friday morning for a follow-up, so I'm hoping he can give me some clarity. Thank you for your reply x

  • Sending you good luck and well wishes, I hope your results come back clear. Please let us know how you get on x

    I'm still waiting to hear about my appointment at the breast clinic, I fully agree - the waiting is the worst part. I'm dreading going for my appointment, I feel like I'm going to crumble when the time comes to get checked over. I'm only 25, but I can't shake my gut feeling, even though I know it's uncommon for people to get BC around this age.

  • Thank you and will do x

    I thought the same about going to the clinic but everyone was lovely,  they can't tell you much on the day but they explained what they could. It's a tough time going through all this but it is so much better to get these things checked out regardless of age, family history etc. Let us know how you get on when you get your appointment hopefully won't be too much longer for you x

  • Since Covid the GPS have been referring more patients on the two week wait as the other normal referral takes many weeks. I have been to colorectal, gynaecology oncology and the breast clinic 3 times. 
    l would avoid google and wait to see the breast clinic. 
    Do take care of yourself l hope you have your appointment soon my dr gave me the appointment before I left the surgery. 
    They come through quickly or they ring you.


  • Hello. I'm also waiting very nervously for my referral appointment which is next week, I haven't been eating properly and I feel sick and really tired everyday. I have a lump on my left breast and it hurts. Feeling sick and tired is a sign of breast cancer so I'm really scared that I'm going to get bad news next week. Please let me know how you get on and I wish you the best of luck!! Please try not to worry until you get the news <3 I also know how you feel about venting how you feel, my family and bf just don't understand how I'm feeling. Always here if you need to chat XX 

  • I'll just be glad to be looked at at this point, if I'm honest. It's reassuring to hear about how they are at the clinic, I'm going through a rollercoaster of emotions during this wait for my appointment letter, but I'd rather know if something was wrong so it could be fixed than put it off and risk greater consequences. Thank you, I will do x