Fluid leaking from breast.

Hi ,

im looking for a bit of guidance regarding an on going issue with my breasts. 
I noticed over a year ago that I was having really tender breasts, they would get hot to the touch like sun burn and would harden and feel solid. 
Upon further investigation one of my nipples was leaking a clear/cloudy fluid. 
I had blood tests done to prove that it was not prolactin producing breast milk. my blood tests revealed I had a high white blood cell count indicating my body was fighting some type of infection perhaps. 
I also had a round of anti biotics ruling out mastitis.
I was referred to a breast clinic who after a swift physical examination told me they presume it to be hormones and they were not going to put me forward for any more checks. 

a year on and I've been fast tracked to a breast clinic again (this time for ultrasounds and possibly more tests) within days as the fluid is still there, my white blood count is higher than before and I'm constantly exhausted and fatigued. 

has anybody had anything similar to this, good or bad outcome stories welcome. I'm tired of everyone saying "it'll be nothing it's fine" 

i know they mean well but I want to be realistic here and know where I stand as I know it's abnormal. 

apologies for the long winded post. 



  • Hello Simone91

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had ongoing g issues with your breast health for quite some time now. It sounds like it's really taken its toll on your daily life. 

    It may help to try and keep in mind that the vast majority of people referred to a specialist breast clinic are not diagnosed with cancer. There could be many causes for the symptoms that you've been experiencing and hopefully, this upcoming appointment will finally give you some answers and set you on the path to improving things. 

    If you want to chat things through with one of our team of nurses ahead of your clinic appointment you're most welcome to give them a call. I'm sure they will offer any advice and support that they can along with helping you think about any questions you may want to ask at the appointment. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch Simone and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • I had leakage from my nipples and it was breast ectasia imflamed milk duct. They can get infected but mine felt like wire when l was really uncomfortable. I hope you are seen soon.
