Indeterminate lesion found on ovary

Is there anyone out there, who has had a category 2 cyst found during a pelvic ultrasound and it not been cancer??

I'm absolutely terrified, I have almost all symptoms of ovarian cancer and was told an indeterminate lesion was found and i needed a 2 week urgent referral back to gynaecology. I was only discharged a few weeks ago after 2 normal pap smears. 

I've recently had a breast cancer scare which led to an op and now this.

Not sure how much more I can take physically and mentally.

  • Yes I had an indeterminate cyst removed 3 years ago, plus ovaries and tubes. I have to arrange scans periodically but mostly it's just scar tissue that pulls but I always panic! Try not to worry, I had all the symptoms of ovarian cancer and I remember the terror. I did speak to a nurse on the ovarian cancer charity helpline who was so reassuring, just speaking about the fear helped me a lot. 
    best wishes to you xx