Smear results time?

The first time i had a smear it took about a month it came back i had hpv cin 1 they told me to wait it out for a year despite that i must have had it much longer because i hadnt had sex for 4 years at the time i got the result, but i did and a year later i still had cin1 so they suggested cryotherapy but last minute decided to give me some cold coagulation treatment instead and i waited for my next smear got it done and waited about a month for the results again. They found severe cgin 3 cells and suggested an LLETZ and warned me that the cells were precancerous so i got the procedure done and after the last procedure failed so much ive been quite nervous its been about 3 years since i started this journey and i saw my grandma die of cancer i dont want to go out like that but its been a month and half this time since my smear and i still havent got it, is this usually good sign that its not being rushed back because its normal or a bad sign that they have to double check the results before officially confirming a bad diagnosis whats everyones experience on this?? 

  • Hi LMEM,

    I'm sorry to hear of your worries, and I'm sure the waiting and uncertainty must be difficult, especially given what you've been through previously.

    It's usually best to try not to assume anything one way or the other, as the wait times don't tend to mean too much. It may simply be a matter of their existing waiting list.

    If you feel you've been waiting a long time, and longer than they suggested, you can always give your doctor or the hospital a call to check.

    I hope you're able to find out more soon. In the meantime, take things a day at a time.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator