Awaiting histology results

Hi I recently had a total hysterectomy leaving only my ovaries (due to my age 35) it was 6 weeks ago now and  I am still awaiting histology results, could that mean results are all ok with it not receiving results any sooner? I had the operation due to long reaccuring severe abnormal cells, high risk hpv plus last smear results shown micro invasion. Has anyone else waited longer than 6 weeks to receive results? 

  • Hi Mumof686,

    I am on week 5 nearly 6 now. Ring the hospital and find out if the results are in. I have only found out that mine have been sent to another hospital after 4 weeks in the local hospital.  No news is just no news in some cases. 

    Let me know how you get on  xx

  • Hi songbird68 

    I have just rang the hospital and my consultants secretary  has said the consultant has not put anything up yet so they must not be back yet, Also still on the waiting list for a healing check up which is supposed to be done between 4-6 weeks, I am 6 weeks post op tomorrow. 

    oh no that's not goodx hopefully you get your results soon and all are ok xx

  • Hi Mumof686,

    I think they will probably wait until your histology results are back and do the healing check at the same time as giving you the results. I think that certain tests do get back sooner than others, and also depends if they are sent for a second opinion which can add a couple more weeks on (as I understand it). It doesn't make it any easier for those of us waiting.  I just keep ringing up the admin once a week to see if there's any news, they don't mind, although the lady I have spoken to the last couple of times has said she will contact me and give me the heads up when the report comes back.