Cervical Ectropion

Hi all.

I am 25 years old and have just been for my first Cervical Screening. I was told by the doctor last year after having pain and bleeding after sex that I had quite a large cervical ectropion. They sent me for a colposcopy and they just looked at it and prodded it but didn't take any samples/ further tests of the cells before just agreeing it was an ectropion. 
My first cervical screen was only last week (20/04/2022) so a year after my colposcopy and the doctor said "yeah I can see you have quite a marked ectropion which has bled on your examination" 

So my question basically is that should they have taken more tests at my colposcopy or can they tell simply by looking at it? And can cervical cancer be missed by them just assuming it was an ectropion? 
Sorry if these are irrational questions, I am just very concerned.