Private scan results - ovarian cyst

Hi there,

I've been struggling with a pain in my left side for months, I went to the GP about two months ago who examined my tummy and did a urine test. She said my tummy was tender and bloated and urine had traces of blood in it so she sent me straight to A&E. They didn't do anything for me there (said there was no-one availbe to scan me) bloods and everything else came back normal so I went home with pain killers. My GP referred me for a scan but the wait is around 16 weeks, so I booked a private one for £130 and had it within a week. It showed a 3.8cm cyst on my left ovary. The sonographer said it was irregular and complex but didn't have blood flow so she thinks it's fine but wants to monitor it. I've got all the images from the ultrasound that she took and I can't seem to stop analysing them, I know this isn't helpful but it's all I have! I've now convinced myself that it could be cancer. That scan was 6 weeks ago and I have the private follow up tomorrow. I'm just looking for reassurance that it's probably just a cyst. Since the first visit to the GP I've noticed my bloating is actually really bad and I never seem to be able to empty my bladder, always feels like I need to pee even if I've just been, I had put these things down to an infection or hormones but now I'm not so sure. Has anyone had any similar expeiences that turned out well? Thanks! 

  • I have had complex ovarian cysts they were 6 cm and 4'5 catheter gynaecology oncology clinic scanned them MRI and ultrasounds they were found on ct scan.  As they were not getting any smaller they were removed in October it was a long operation due to extensive adhesions following previous surgery. I hope you have an easy operation if you need one should have been a quick keyhole surgery in day surgery. 
    take care 


  • Hi 

    How did your private follow up appointment go? I hope it was reassuring news for you. 

    I have a dermoid cyst and suffer with the same symptoms as you, I'm waiting for it to be removed