Red inflamed cervix

Hi there

i have been experiencing spotting and spotting after sex, which is totally abnormal for me.

I made an appointment to see my go,
So I had my appointment 
They examined me, my cervix is very red and inflamed, they have taken swabs to check for infection. 
But they have also referred me to the hospital to check it’s not anything more sinister.

I'm really worried, she said she was t overly worried but they wanted to check. 
has anyone experienced this before please 

  • I am currently going through this and panicking if I'm honest. The last few months my periods were either coming really late or I was bleeding for longer times.I only contacted my gp as I was bleeding between periods and it wouldn't stop so they gave me medication to make it stop. Today I saw the gp she worried me as after seeing my cervix she was asking questions and said it was quite red. I have to wait for the results of my swabs but I've been referred for an ultrasound and they put me on two types of antibiotics just incase it's some type of infection. 

    I'm sorry I don't have anything really reassuring but I hope everything goes well for x

  • Im in same boat,  last pap was clear 3 years ago but Im still worried.