Getting an initial fast track appointment

I'd like your advice please. I saw my GP last Tuesday, 12 April,  and was given a fast track referral to be seen within two weeks. I've been anxiously waiting for an appointment to come through and only received the letter from the GP surgery yesterday, 19 April, giving me login details to book my appointment. Unfortunately, there are now no appointments available within the two week timeframe. I rang the appointment line, who advised I call the surgery and ask for the doctor to contact the hospital to get an appointment for me. It seemed to me the receptionist was being defensive, saying it wasn't her fault that the post took so long. I don't know why they posted me the letter and a leaflet telling me to act if I hadn't heard from the hospital within 48 hours of seeing the GP, only for me to get that a whole week later! She initially refused to contact the doctor for me and said it wasn't worth it because it would take too long. Instead, I should call the appointments line. I told her I'd already done this, but she just insisted that's what I needed to do. 
I rang the appointments line back and they gave me the number for the hospital. I called them and eventually got through to someone who was able to give me an appointment with a nurse on Friday 29 April. Apparently she will take photos of the suspicious mole and send them to a consultant. He had no idea how long it would take for the next step. I can't believe that's all that happens on a first appointment. Does anyone else have experience of this? I'm worried sick as I also have swelling under my arm. The lovely lady on the appointments line said I should ring the complaints line and gave me their number. I just don't want hassle, I just want an appointment within two weeks. Should I have a choice of hospital to try to facilitate this? I'd be grateful for anyone's advice please. Thanks very much 

  • Hello Sue199

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having some difficulties in getting an appointment arranged. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious. 

    Unfortunately, many departments and services are under immense pressure at the moment with long waiting lists and staff shortages. We know that waiting for tests and appointments is a difficult time for many people and even more so at the moment when things aren't necessarily straightforward. 

    You may want to consider contacting your hospital PALS team for some advice and support. They provide a point of contact for patients and help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS. 

    Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for some firm answers. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator