Lumps under jaw line

Good morning.


I'm trying to put my mind at ease and stop worrying.

For the past 10 weeks I have had a movable hard lump getting bigger over time and now slightly larger than a pea under my jawline on the left side of my face. There isn't any pain but sometimes the area around it swells a little and sometimes i have to strain to open my mouth fully. I haven't been unwell or had any infections or illnesses.

I spoke to my GP 2 weeks ago and she felt the lump and checked either side of my neck and jaw and said she wasn't sure about it but shouldn't be too worried about it but she thought it was best to refer me for a hospital appointment with the maxofacial team.

Advised that if it gets worse or changes to come back to surgery.

2 days ago I was self examining my neck and I have found a second lump on the opposite side just smaller than a pea that wasn't there before. 

I have asked for another appointment but it's not for another week.

I have done the worst possible thing and asked Dr Google and everytime it comes up with the C word. 

I'm sorry worried and anxious thinking the worst and can't explain or think what else it could be. 

I know im 100% overthinking things but is there any different explanations that could cause them.


Any and all advice would really be helpful.

I'm a 38yr old male no current medical conditions apart from having 1 kidney due to donating 1 of them to a family member.

Thank you 


  • Hello Rich and a warm welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    You've done the right thing in requesting an appointment after finding this second lump. It won't be long now before you are seen and can get it checked out. You are right, asking Dr Google will only give you the worst possible answers and you will find that it will tend to bring up cancer when really only a real expert will be able to tell you more about this. So I would suggest you try and steer well clear of Dr Google and wait for your appointment with the maxofacial team to find out more. Unfortunately no one here will be able to tell you what it is but I hope that you will hear from some of our members who have been in a similar place before. 

    While you are waiting, try and keep distracted if you can and to do things you enjoy to take your mind off the constant worry. I know it's easier said than done though! There are some helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out to be fine and that you get a definite diagnosis very soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator