Urgent Gynaecology appointment

Hi all,

Just looking for some general advice here. I've been bleeding on and off for about 6 months, im normally very regular with my period. Since December I have bled every time after intercourse, and suffered with severe cramps. I saw a sexual health nurse last week, and upon doing a speculum exam (I'd had one about 2 weeks before as well) said that my cervix had changed in appearance quite significantly. I am now also suffering with lower back pain. I was urgently referred to a gynaecologist, and have an appointment next week. My appointment letter says I may be there for 2-3 hours and may have to be put on a surgical waiting list! I'm only 18, and initially thought I may have endometriosis, but I dont feel I would have been urgently referred to a specialist for that. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi I have found during the pandemic that if l contact my doctor more than once about something their first reaction is to refer me to the hospital, on the two week wait. I've been to the breast clinic and gynaecology oncology, gynaecology have been really good with my ovarian surgery going ahead despite Covid. Fortunately not cancerous when they removed my ovarian cysts. My operation was really because I am older and it can be precancerous so better to remove than leave.
    As you are so young l hope your appointment will be able to reassure you and sort out any problems for you. make a list of your symptoms and ask any questions you need to, we all get forgetful when we get to see the doctor, remembering everything when we get in the car to go home. Take someone with you if you need to they are allowing you to do that now, 

    Take care try not to worry too much most appointments are for simple things. 