MRI Scan Results - who do I contact to find out results?


I don’t know if anyone will know the answer to this bus I had an MRI about two weeks ago, and I wanted to see whether the results have come through yet but I have no idea who to call. I don’t have any numbers for anyone and I really don’t know where to start.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • My thoughts would be to phone the Cancer research uk  helpline nurses or breast cancer now or macmillan - they are very good at advising on how to navigate these situations. I think the key person is probably your consultant PA (if you do speak to them - find out the name and ideally email address if you can - it will help for future reference - even if you give your own email to them and they might email you back to let you know what's happening re an apponpintment etc then you have the details to hand) not your GP but this may differ between hospitals. But try speaking to a nurse on the helpline and they will advise. I'm so sorry you're going through this. ️

  • Hi guys.

    I just wanted to thank you guys for all the replies and support, it's hard for me at the moment I'm only 19 so I don't really know what I'm doing and all my family says is that I'm worrying too much, doctors won't listen to me they think I'm making stuff up, so to have people believe me and not say to stop worrying it feels great. It took nearly a year of begging my doctor for this scan but I have other symptoms that won't aren't taking any notice of, and because of circumstances in my life my family make me feel as if I don't exist. I'm also a young carer for my mum so whenever anyone talks to me all they care about is my mum. So it's nice to have people who even make me feel as if they care about me.

    Im sorry for the rant I just needed to get this out into open. Thanks for listening to me.


  • Hi, did you get your results and LP done? I came across this post while searching current wait times for mri results due to my symptoms and fh of ms usually an LP is done after mri to confirm an ms diagnosis so wondered how you got on?? X