MRI Scan Results - who do I contact to find out results?


I don’t know if anyone will know the answer to this bus I had an MRI about two weeks ago, and I wanted to see whether the results have come through yet but I have no idea who to call. I don’t have any numbers for anyone and I really don’t know where to start.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Just thought I would update, haven't heard anything else, and my gp seems to not seem that bothered, it will be five weeks this Sunday, and I rang the reception and they just said that I had to wait and be patient, I just didn't think I would have to wait this long and I don't know whether to be okay with it, because I've been told many times if they haven't found anything on the mri you won't be contacted quickly, but I don't know whether to believe that.

    Hopefully I'll get results soon, but im getting more worried as time goes on.


  • The gp has said they don't have any results back, just wanted to make that clear.


    Hi Englishabs,

    I'm sorry to hear this. I would expect to hear from your consultant before your GP. Why not do as I suggested in my last post and contact PALS?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Abbie.

    Sometimes the results can take ages. I was told my results were in 10 days after my MRI was done - but I didn't get the report on it until 6 weeks after, as they reviewed my results at MDT beforehand. I have had results with and without any issues - and to be honest both took around the same time!  At the moment everything is taking a bit longer. I am waiting for biopsy results at  the moment which in normal times would probably have been back after a couple of weeks - I've been told they will be at least 3 weeks or more, and if they need a more in depth report, then it will add on more time. It is really frustrating when your health is worrying you, but the worrying won't make the results come through any quicker. As I have been given a rough idea on when the results are expected (you could maybe ask when yours are expected) I am just leaving calling them until they are due. This way I can just work towards that time (I have no follow up appointment myself) and fill my time with things that I enjoy,

    I hope you hear soon, but you are not alone in your waiting!

  • Just wanted to update again, rang gp they don't even know if they are getting the results or not, I called PALS like suggested and all they said was to ring the MRI department, but I've been told by family not to call them because they won't know about the results because they only do the scan and send it to a consultant, so I feel like im back at stage one. I know some people have said it may take a while but I would of liked to know who to call just so I would have a timeline, but I haven't absolutely no idea. Sorry about the rant.


  • Hi Abbie,

    That is so frustrating - but there is no harm in checking with the MRI department - I think I ended up talking with someone in radiology myself at some point in my current journey (was about an ultrasound guided biopsy that never happened) and they were very helpful. It can't do any harm - maybe you can ask them who got the results, they might even transfer you to the right department if it was in the hospital. I always keep my hospital number as well as my NHS number handy when I ring. 

    I know my results are back from my excisional biopsy - but haven't got the results as my consultant hasn't looked at them yet - it's really frustrating! All we want is to know what's going on. 

    Seriously if you get nowhere after speaking to MRI department - then you have to go through PALS again and say it's not working and that you need to know your results. The worry and upset it causes is not good for anyones mental health!

    Let me know how you get on.

  • Hi 

    I feel for you waiting this long for the results..

    I would ring the secretary's and ask for name of who booked it, they should give you a name you can then phone your hospital switchboard and speak to the consultants secretary.

    Hopefully you get them soon. 

    Chloe x

  • Hi,

    Another update got a letter from hospital have to have a lumbar puncture, but I have no idea what for. Does anyone know how the medical day unit works because they have given me no information what do ever about what to except in that unit.



  • Sorry for all the posts, but does anyone know why i would need a lumber puncture after an MRI, i think im just worrying more because i haven't been given the results of the MRI so my head is goung automatically to there must be something wrong because no one is telling me anything, and im a bit lost with everything and my head is going to the worst case scenarios.



  • Hi Abbie,

    They must have a reason for you to have a lumber puncture, but to not tell you why or give you any clue is not really on! At least before I had further tests done I had an idea why they were doing it. You need to ring the department you are under and ask someone to explain why this needs to be done. I think I got a letter which basically told me they had found something on my MRI that needed further investigation, and what they thought it was. Even if you ask an admin for help - they can sometimes check if there are any letters pending - or at least get a clinician or nurse to call you back.

    Hope all goes well.