MRI Scan Results - who do I contact to find out results?


I don’t know if anyone will know the answer to this bus I had an MRI about two weeks ago, and I wanted to see whether the results have come through yet but I have no idea who to call. I don’t have any numbers for anyone and I really don’t know where to start.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • I would contact GP or Consultant who have requested MRI, they would be informed of the results 

  • Yeah, I thought of that but I can't find any number to contact the consultant so I'm a bit stuck trying to find out how to contact them.

  • Hi Englishabs,

    When I had my MRI I was told that the results would be with my consultant within 1-2 weeks and to call him. Just like you I couldn't find any contact number, not even when ringing the hospital and saying the consultant's name. I finally got the contact from his secretaries, but no one ever answers.

    I finally went to the hospital and the outpatients department where I met the consultant the first time and was told that if something comes as urgent on the MRI report a nurse would call me. 

    I still haven't heard from anyone but got a letter where Macmillan nurses numbers were included and I'm in panic. I called those and was first told that my results were in and a nurse would call me back to after receive a call saying that no nurse will call me and will be the consultant instead. No date given at all. :(


    Hi Englishabs,

    Do you know the name of your consultant? If so, you should be able to reach his/her secretary by going through the hospital switchboard. They can usually tell you whether or not your results are back or when they expect them to be back. Some results are taking a little longer than usual at the moment, due to Covid.

    Once your results are returned to the hospital your consultant will usually discuss the findings at a weekly MDT meeting. This is where the whole team who may be involved in your care should you need any, will discuss your case and any further treatment if needed. This can add a little extra time on whe you are waiting for results, but it means that your consultant can give you more information when you return.

    Please keeo in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Here;s hoping for favourable news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi,

    Thanks for all your replies, I can't really find any contact details for anyone, and when I ring the department it transfers me to the appointment centre and they can't deal with the reason I am ringing for. 

    I just thought that after the mri I would get a phone call or an appointment to go in and see the doctor but I've got neither, but after I had the mri the radiologist asked if I had a doctors open and I said no, and he didn't say anything else, so I really don't know what to do. Because the longer I wait the more panicked I get.




    Hi Englishabs,

    The only other suggestion, might be to ask your GP if s/he knows who they referred you to in the first place.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I was also wondering was I meant to have a follow up appointment with the consultant, because when I went to hospital I didn't see the main consultant it was a doctor who works on his unit, I'm just so confused, and I rang the hospital together and when the women picked up she was rude and said that my gp would have the results, so I rang the gp and they don't have them. It's making me panic more because I don't know what else to do.




    Hi Abbie,

    I was fortunate enough to see my consultant when I was first diagnosed, but since then I often see a registrar who works in the same department. The consultant is usually in the clinic and the registrars can consult him if there is any problem that they want further advice on. 

    It is usual to get a phone call from the doctor you saw with your results. Due to Covid more are giving results over the phone, although most still prefer to give them face to face.

    I would ring your GP again and explain the situation to the receptionist, then ask to speak to your GP and ask them to follow the results up. Tell the receptionist/doctor that you've been told that they have the results and, that you are just being shoved from pillar to post.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi,

    Just wanted to update you guys, I rang my gp and they explained that I get a copy of the results, the consultant does and my gp does so hopefully that is right, because if not I have no idea what to do. I asked about how long it may be and they said they are running really far behind so I have no idea when the results are going to come back. It's hard because I've been fighting with my gp for this mri for nearly a year and a half, worrying everyday as my symptoms get worse and now that I've got it done, I still have to wait a long time, like I knew it could take up to 2 weeks but on Sunday it will be a month and it hard to keep going when you have this dark cloud over your head then no one else seems to see. Thank you for all your help, I might be back if it takes a lot longer because the hospital has been of no help really.





    Hi Englishabs,

    I can fully understand your frustration and worry at having to wait so long for your results. There are delays in results due to Covid in many parts of the country.  If you don't hear anything within the next two weeks, the only other suggestion is to contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), which offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters.

    They will usually chase up things like this and might be more successful than you at getting some answers. You can find your nearest PALS office on the NHS website. You can also ask your GP surgery, hospital or phone NHS 111 for details.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx