Hematology appointment ct referal

I had my first appointment with hematology today, they have requested an urgent ct scan to take place as soon as they can , taken bloods and said they will see me in 4 weeks as my ct results will need to be discussed in a meeting and they will then decided if biopsies are done and from which area, as they will know more from the scan, as currently have 9 lymph nodes up that im aware of in different areas, aswell as weight loss, fatigue, night sweats and chest pain and pressure. Although i dont feel myself and obviously something isn't right as I was sat in the waiting room and with the consultant i felt like an imposter. Anyone else feel like that? 

  • Hello C.price92, 

    It's normal to have these kinds of feelings and I am sure others on our forum will be able to relate to this impression you described as you sat in the waiting room. I hope that you won't have to wait too long for your CT scan and that it will give you some definite answers. It sounds like they are being very thorough in their investigations and hopefully this means you will get some clarity very soon. The wait for the scan and then for your results can feel like a lifetime and there are some useful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I will now let our members who have been in a similar place come and share their experiences with you. Keep us updated on how your CT scan goes if you get a chance - we'll be keeping everything crossed for you! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator