Scared my Dad has cancer


I feel like a fraud posting here but you may be able to help. My Dad has had  a cough for the last 3 weeks mainly in the morning and evening and the GP has referred him for an X-ray. The GP did an exam and though everything seemed fine but wanted to check with an x-ray to be safe. The cough disappeared for a few days last week and then came back. I'm very scared my Dad has lung cancer now. Can anyone advise how to cope until the X-Ray comes back.

To provide some context my mum died 10 weeks ago of multiple myeloma, 3 weeks after diagnosis, so I'm grieving and very scared of losing my Dad.



  • Hi I am really sorry to hear what you are going through. I am in a similar siuation and the waiting is terrible. I have found distracting myself with games (Stardew Valley is a fave) while watching TV to be really helpful with keeping my mind busy.

    If you have any extended family I would recomend reaching out to them. I found reaching out to my Uncle to be really helpful and took alot of the burden of my sholders.

    I would also advice talking to your GP as they may be able to point you in the direction of talking services that can be really helpful.

    Hopefully the scan will come back fine, but while you're waiting keep busy! I've also found that chasing up news/results helps make me feel more in control, as long as your Dad is happy for you to do so.

    Good luck xx

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your kind post - it's really helpful. Waiting is awful and I know logically that I'm assuming the worst. It's been a very difficult few years as both my mum and dad were ill and I've spent a lot time waiting for cancer test results. 

    I've referred myself via my GP for talking therapy as I'm devastated by my mum's loss  and I'm need some more support.

    I'm sorry you are waiting for test results and hope everything turns out ok.


    Emma xxx


  • Hi Emma I just wanted to check on how you're getting on and if you've had results back?


    All the best,

    L xx

  • Hi,

    Thanks for checking up. No news or change yet - my Dad still has the cough and the X-ray is on Monday. I'm getting more and more anxious and trying to get some support. I think it's just matter of waiting it out and hoping for the best.


    Emma xxx

  • Hi Emma,

    Depending on your age there are a lot of agencies that can offer support, so that may be worth looking into.

    Do you have any friends/family you can reach out to? They may not be mental health professionals but talking can make life much easier!

    My doctor has given me some medication to help my anxiety so it might also be worth seeing if there is anything they can give you, just to help you through this difficult period.

    Wishing you luck for tomrrow,

    L xx

  • My Dad recently went to Dr's thinking had urine infection which the sample cleared he asked to examine him and then stated believed he had cancer and has sent him for further tests I am so worried and don't know how to deal with it 

  • Hi Emma just to say I've just been for a chest x-ray because of a cough that wouldn't go away also other symptoms but Doc put me on steroids and antibiotics and its a bit better now ,my x-ray was only yesterday when I woke this morning and looked at the online test results the results were already back and fortunately the results were normal as far as anything sinister goes although after a sputum test it says abnormal which means its an infection ,I am waiting to go for a C/T scan ,I hope your Father is ok .