Hi All,
I had a tonsillectomy on 10th February where they took my right tonsil due to it having been enlarged since Christmas. prior to the surgery, I was advised there was a small chance of it being lymphoma. I was advised I would receive the results of the biopsy within 2-3 weeks and I will receive the results via letter, it will be three weeks tomorrow and I have today found a new pea-sized lump in my neck.
As I am sure you can understand I am anxious about my results and was wondering if anyone who has been in the same position could advise how long it was before they received their results?
I looked on the NHS website ( I know googling is bad but after nearly three weeks I'm getting very anxious) and I saw that it states the hospital has 28 days to diagnose?
Just to confirm (as I know time frames can be different depending on where you live) I'm in Essex