I've been having intense itching for approx. 3 months. It has also included a rash for approx. 2 months. The rash is everywhere but my face and ranges from purple pin *** under the skin to a 'nettle' looking rash. I am absolutely exhausted the past couple of weeks and now I've had lymph nodes swell up in my neck. 3 visits to the GP have resulted in antibiotics (folicilitus), allergies (steroid cream) and most recently, hives (moisturiser). The gp confirmed that the swelling was my lymph nodes. I asked about lymphoma as it had come up in the search results on good old Google and he said "it's not impossible but as it's unlikely I'm not looking into it". When I asked "why" he just kept repeating it was unlikely and couldn't substantiate his response. I have coeliac which I've read significantly increases my chance of lymphoma and I'm 35. I asked him to refer me to a dermatologist despite his opinion but he point blank refused. I cannot cope with the itching anymore and the rash looks horrendous. I'm covered in blood and bruises from scratching. Can anyone tell me what I should do next and whether you think I should persevere im case it is lymphoma or just accept the GP's word? Thank you in advance of any support.