Colposcopy still spotting 2 weeks after and pains in stomach

Hey guys. 

Last few years I have been hpv positive. My recent smear test came back hpv positive and high grade moderate dyskaryosis. 

Had my colposcopy 2 weeks ago today where they took a biopsy. Been spotting ever since. And random pains in stomach, they are odd pains, not like period pains but  stabbing pains or like it. I can't describe the pain accurately. 

Also severe lower back pain. 

Not sure if I should ring the clinic or if this is normal?


Also how long did it take everyone to get their results? 


  • Hi there. I also had my colposcopy recently, nearly 3 weeks ago. I had the same stabbing pains as you. Like period pain but much sharper, enough to stop you in your tracks. I had black and brown discharge and black gritty type stuff that didn't smell too pleasant. I went to gp as thought I had an infection, but he reassured me that it was normal after lletz treatment and warned me that between 2 to 3 weeks after I might pass a weird looking clot, which I'm glad he warned me of because I did on Saturday, and it was disgusting lol. I had some heavy bleeding around 10 days after also that lasted a few days. He said the sharp pains could last for a number of weeks after. They seem to have gotten less frequent and less severe since I passed the weird clot though.

    Hope you feel better soon x

  • Hello Dre138. Thankyou for your reply. 

    I'm just concerned because I haven't has any treatment yet. At the colposcopy the doc said I will need treatment but will wait for the biopsy results. On the letter I received, it said it was normal for a few days of spotting and pain, however it's now over 14 days.


    I'm experiencing the same kind of pain that it stops you doing anything for a few seconds. I'm also getting pains in my stomach that I've never had before and just feel odd. 


  • Hi suki-lou. How are you feeling now? I'm still getting the sharp stabbing pains here and there, they're still just as strong but not happening so often. I saw my GP this to Che k for infection but all is fine. He said I could be getting the pains and random heavy bleeding for a few more weeks as I apparently had 2cm removed during my treatment. Which explains why it hurt so bad.

    Have you had your biopsy results yet?

    Hope your feeling better

  • Hey. I contacted my gp and she examined me and said I had an infection. She put me on 2 courses of antibiotics. On 4th day now and starting to feel so much better. Pains still there a little bit, but so much more manageable.

    I got my results on Saturday. The biopsy picked up Cin1 but as my smear picked up cin3 they are going to write another letter about follow up management. I believe it will be a follow up smear in a few months time fingers crossed! 


    2cm removed ouch. Have you got your biopsy results yet? 



  • Glad to hear you are feeling better and have finally received your results! I got my results back the week after my biopsies as it was positive for cancer. Had an MRI two weeks ago and have got an appointment tomorrow to discuss my results and what happens next. Its been a rough couple of weeks, so Ill be glad when tomorrow is over.