Swollen lymph nodes over 6 months finally getting tests

Hi everyone looking for some advice as I'm so anxious.I'm  23 years old and over the course of 6 months I have had swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck the first one appeared after I had a terrible cold/flu that took ages to go away I went to the doctors about it the doctor wasn't concerned just told me it was reactive lymph nodes to an infection but over the last few months I have felt them go up and down for no reason haven't been feeling unwell just really tired and run down also been feeling breathless and had a bit of a wheeze but just put it down to stress/low b12 anemia because my mum and uncle have both been diagnosed with cancer in the last year so just put it down to it being a stressful year but also over the past few months I've had a temperature on and off for no reason, last Saturday night I went to bed with some pain in my jaw never thought anything of it until I woke up on Sunday morning one side of my neck was so swollen and the lymph nodes felt a lot bigger never had any pain in my jaw just a really swollen neck and temperature no sore throat or anything like that the lumps felt hard to touch and don't move also felt a new lump about 2 cm under my chin that feels just a bit smaller than a grape so went to the doctors yesterday and she did say she was worried because they have been up and down over the past few months for no reason she has arranged chest X-ray and neck ultrasound and done bloods yesterday she says she had to leave the room to phone onco doctor to see what tests to run I think onco doctor could mean oncologist? Which has obviously really freaked me out and I so wish she never says that because I'm now thinking the worst has anyone had a similar experience? I'm sitting wracking my brain to come up with what else it could be other than lymphoma 

  • Oddly enough, I was just googling my own worries and I came across your post. I also today went to the gp and was fast tracked to ENT as I have a swollen lymphnode on the right side of the bottom of my neck and it's caused me some concern. Mine popped up about three weeks ago and I put it down to being something or nothing, maybe even being caused by injury at the gym (barbell across my neck). I also had flank pain (pain in my left side) a few weeks ago and have had issues which has had my fast tracked to gynaecology, so I'm not sure if it's all related. I've had some twitchyness in neck and some aches, not sure if it's related. It's only a small swelling, maybe at biggest the size of a pea. I decided today, seeing as it's still there that I should get it checked. I'm also getting bloods done in a few days , I did have some done a few weeks ago and apparently all was normal. It is very scary and I know how you must be feeling! 

    Also I came down with a bad throat and horse voice in the last few days of that's related...who knows!