Worried sick symptoms could be a sign of cervical cancer

Hi everyone,

I'm 34 years old, a virgin apart from one night of drunken oral sex about 4 years ago. September 2021 I started experiencing bloody discharge, heavy and longer periods, abdominal pains, back ache. I was diagnosed with a kidney infection and the pains disappeared. I then started having a weird feeling inside my vagina. Like a vibrating, buzzing feeling and lower leg pain in my left leg. I ignored all these other symptoms until this week. I spoke to the doctor on the phone and I went in this morning for an examination. She did a pelvic exam and couldn't feel anything wrong. She also did a smear, my first one and it was horrific. It hurt so much and she was very unsympathetic. She rushed and just didn't care how much pain I was in. 

I've also lost quite a lot of weight since September and I'm slightly anaemic, also extremely fatigued. I'm worried sick that I have cancer. I can't sleep or eat properly and I'm panicking so much. I've also read that you can have a normal smear and still have cancer. I'm terrified. 

  • hello worruedsick87, I am shocked at how unsympathetic your doctor is, 1st thing I personally would do is either change your doctor or ask for a 2nd opinion especially considering your getting no satisfactory explanations.. as for your smear test..your doctor was obviously either in a rush or just couldn’t be bothered as the smear test really shouldn’t hurt, if anything it should feel a little uncomfortable. I hope you told her it was painful for you.. if you feel she couldn’t be bothered then trust me.. she has a problem NOT you. Go change your doctor hun, don’t put up with being “fobbed off” if you genuinely feel something is wrong then you insist on a 2nd opinion or change your doctor, I would of put in a complaint to the manager as that would certainly make the doctor think twice before she behaves that way towards you again.i hope this will help you and please don’t worry so much until you have a diagnosis.. it could be nothing serious so look on the bright side if possible. Take care of yourself and remember that the doctor is there to make you feel better NOT worse, physically or emotionally.