Positive FIT test has led to an urgent referral. Terrified

I had my FIT  results back,it's 1,200,please can anybody help me ,I did the FIT test last Monday sent it same day the Tuesday I got call from my gp she made a urgent referral, I'm booked in for a CT scan ,does this mean I have cancer? With the score being so high? I'm 55 years old,all I had was a pain in lower tummy,

Thanks maxine 

  • From what I have read, FIT tests can be set off by blood in your stool from any source, the vast majority of positive FIT tests that are positive don't mean cancer, I believe only 1/10 positive tests are cancer! 

    As for the pain in the lower abdomen, it could very well be cause by stress, I'm almost certain mine is! Your mental health is very tied into your gut health! Being stressed, espeically about health can quite easily lead to worse physical health, creating a nasty cycle! When is your CT scan if you don't mind me asking?

  • Hi thank you for replying, my ct scan is on Sunday and the the colorectal surgical surgeon ringing me on Tuesday to discuss the colostomy, I know more is 1,200 which is very high,I'm worried with it being in the high range,


    Thanks maxine 

  • I'm glad to hear you're doing the right thing and getting a scan, I'm guessing with no diagnosis other than a FIT test, the colostomy is a precaution? Perhaps you've already have a colonoscopy and they've found cancer? As far as I'm aware, a colostomy is normally only performed when there is a blockage or injury?