When is a lump nothing to worry about?

I'm in my late 50s,

felt a small pea sized lump in my left collar bone area about two weeks ago.

I don't have any other lumps or bumps anywhere else.

I have been feeling tired but I have vitamin b12 deficiency ,and have been deficient for a year plus .

I have mental health issues and not keen to go to doctors as I'm always concerned they think hypochondriac even though I'm rarely at doctors.

The lump is small,not noticeable by eye but noticeable by touch.

Do I leave it for a few weeks and see if it settles down or do I seek advice now?


  • I have got a lymph nodes swollen in same area, same as yourself, mine came up after my Covid booster, I'm leaving it a few weeks to see if it goes away, if not it will be a trip to drs.

  • I'd say go now. It sounds like you'll only be worrying about it until you do. The sooner you go, the sooner you get an answer.

  • The general rule with swollen lymph nodes is, leave it 2 weeks and see if they go down. Unless of course it gets a lot larger.

  • Marycontrary

    Hi just read your post about your small  pea sizes lump on your  left collar bone. The fact that you've posted on here for some advice,tells me it's obviously worrying you,which is understandable.  My advice to you is to call your doctors and get an appointment, it may be something or nothing to worry about  ,but you won't know unless you go to see your doctor,and if thry think you need it checked out,they will  refer you to relevant consultants,and at least then it would put your mind at rest and if it did turn out to be of any concern tge sooner its dealt with  the quicker it's seen  the outcome would be better. 

    You say you feel that doctors think you are a hypochondriac , but how could they think that  as you've said yourself in this post,that you hardly ever go to the doctors.  And you have stated that you have mental health issues,so maybe it's just your imagination running away with you,and it's only you that is thinking that.  

    The sooner you take the first step and call your doctors to discuss your findings and worries,the better the outcome  as I said you are involved worrird  about the lump,and it may turn out to be nothing to worry about.Go make that much needed call , you will feel.so much better when  you  do.