Polyps and thickened endometrium

Hi all,

I went for a smear test in the summer, and mentioned to the nurse that after my previous smear test I had bled for several days which I thought was weird... after she performed the test she said I probably bled because I have what looks like a cervical polyp. 
Fast forward to now, I finally got an ultrasound which revealed that I also have a thickened endometrium which is 16mm and apparently not good for the time of the cycle I was at. I also have what looks like another polyp around 1cm in the endometrial wall. 
Am waiting for referral to gyno which should be in a few weeks, but I'm totally freaked out and read up so much stuff on line. I'm 33 and trying to look for reassurance.

has anyone had biopsies taken? Was it under general anaesthesia or conscious? How long did you take to recover? I have an active job which involves heavy lifting and hate having time off

thanks in advance! Sorry for long post  

  • Hello

    late last year I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Lobular breast cancer. As part of treatment I was given Tamoxifen which causes thickened endometrial lining over time. I was referred to gynaecologist so they could monitor me.

    On first consult she gave me a vaginal ultrasound to establish current status. On that she said I had 24m thick lining which is over double what it should have been. She booked me in for a Hysterscopy and D&C the following month. She found a 1.5cm polyp and removed it, still waiting on the results from the lab. She also took swabs from cervix. 
    She told me thickened lining is mostly a polyp or fibroid. I'm 41 no children. 
    She had to wait until she could see what was causing the lining to thicken and then send to lab. Hopefully I will hear this week. I'm going to call tomorrow I think. Hate waiting!

    best of luck with everything. This site is great for info and also not to feel like you're alone. X


  • It was all under general anaesthesic, in and out same day. Felt fine after 2 days but had a very heavy period for 4 days after that 

  • Hi, thank you so much for your reply! Sorry to hear that you have been experiencing similar issues. I hope that things are going ok with your treatments. Fingers crossed you hear back this week! I think waiting is the hardest part about any sort of medical issue!!

    I'm petrified about general anaesthesia, that's good you were in and out same day! Did they give you option for conscious procedures? 


  • Hey there

    I called to check on my results today and got told they are all benign! Woop! The thickening of the lining was a benign polyp. The polyp was large enough to make everything look very suspicious so relieved that all is ok. I will be monitored every year for 5 years. 
    I never asked about the procedures being done without GA. I would rather be knocked out for it all so it didn't come up as a discussion point. I was out for maybe 2.5 hours but the procedures were less than 1 hour. Got pain relief and a tub of ice cream after
    hope all goes well for you and try not to let the imagination run wild :.)