Breastfeeding and Mastitis - enlarged lymph node in armpit

I found 2 lumps on the right side of my breast and thickening  about 2/3 months ago but kept putting it off and putting it down to breastfeeding. I've just recovered from mastitis but still on antibiotics. I had an US on my breast today and they said the lumps are ok but there's a very enlarged lymph node in my armpit. They asked if I've had mastitis recently and I said yes so they said ok it's probably just reacting to that.

they said that if I wasn't breastfeeding and didn't have mastitis, it is something thEy would usually biopsy it. But because I'm bf and had mastitis, they believe it's not necessary to biopsy as it's likely a reactive node to the mastitis. So that obviously hasn't reassured me at all. Anybody else have any similar experience? 

  • Hi mummjjx,

    It's good to hear that they weren't concerned - I can understand though that hearing them say that was perhaps a little unsettling. However do try to take reassurance from what they thought if you can - if they had doubts or concerns then they would have suggested the biopsy or a follow-up.

    If you find you continue to be concerned, the only other option is to speak to your doctor again, or perhaps to ask for a second opinion.

    If you feel you'd like to talk things through with someone, you can give our nurses a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

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