Around 6 months ago I found a swollwn lymph node on my neck, it has since doubled in size and I have found another 3 since - all on the right hand side. Moveable, rubbery and completely painless. Accompanied by random fevers, fatigue, lower back pain and a dry cough that hasn't gone away in over 6 months. I am 19 y.o ... I went to the GP last week, was sent for urgent bloods within the hour (nothing but a vitamin D deificency). I have a referral to a haematologist just 6 days after my initail GP appointment. I know it's a good thing to be seen so quickly but it seems very urgent and rushed so I'm feeling a little anxious and fearing the worst. I made the mistake of Googling and now I'm thinking that I might have lymphoma. Just seeking some reassurance that I'm probably overreacting really.