Indeterminate breast calcifications

Hi, has anyone else had this issue?  I went into breast clinic with another lump (I've had numerous fluid filled cysts over the last four years).  That was all fine but they flagged up calcifications on the other side.  I was really shocked.  I've got a biopsy next week and I'm in that horrible inbetween place of not knowing and worrying.  Is this likely to be DCIS?  Thanks x

  • Thanks Jolamine.

    I had the biopsy this morning.  Results with the consultant next Wednesday afternoon.  Surprised it was so quick.  It's hard but we have no choice to get through this.

    Hope you are well and hearing from you ladies who are a little further along in the process had meant a lot to me.  I've only told my husband as I don't want to worry my children and family.  Thank you all.


    HI Mary,

    Many people don't tell more than close family until all the testing is over and they have a definite diagnosis. It is unfortunate that we have no way to avoid this. Don't look too far ahead. Take this day by day or even hour by hour if need be. I am keping well now thank you.

    Hoping for good results!

    Jolamine xx

  • I know you're right.  Thanks again so much xx

  • Thank you. I suffer with terrible health anxiety! And I often have psychological symptoms when I focus on an issue!!

    Just last week, I got given the all clear after a worry about cervical cancer! I had a bleed after intercourse, and then the GP who examined me scared me even more! She saw a "bruise" on my cervix and sent me through the 2ww with the gynaecologist. It turned out to just be ectropion, and what she could see was an area that was healing. But I'd convinced myself it was the worst and that it had spread all over my body! I started having pains in my back and legs, then my stomach, etc. I know they were all in my head as they've stopped now! 

    Now I'm having pains related to this. On the left side, which is where the dr was more concerned about, I'm getting soreness and shooting pains in my breast and armpit. I do often get pain around that area, and around my shoulder blade, as I fell down a flight of stairs 18 years ago, when I was 8 months pregnant! I grabbed the rail as I slipped, and it yanked my arm, with all that weight of the baby too! So it could just be that too. But I can't help but worry! 

    It's been worse since loosing my mom, but I have always been a worrier! My mom passed 17 years ago in April, and I've finally seeked some grief counselling! So I'm praying that this turns out to be nothing, and I can focus on my mental well-being. X

  • Thank you, you're so right! Google is totally my enemy!! Even reading some other stories on here has scared me! I know I shouldn't do it! I do it to try and reassure myself, then even up feeling worse!!


    What is the marker? Like a physical object? Or like a drawing? And if physical, when does it come out? 

    I think the fact that my husband can't go in with me makes me feel worse. I don't like having to do things like this on my own! I'm not even sure what kind of biopsy I'm having yet! 

    I really hope you get good results! 

    The surgeon said to me it would be within a week, so I think that's standard. He said I would go back to see him after the biopsy too, regardless I think. X

  • Totally understand your concern about type of biopsy.  I was the same and felt I should have had this explained further.  I did my own research and decided I was going to ask for a vacuum biopsy as they get a larger sample and in my mind sticking a needle into a tiny cluster of calcification was not going to be very effective!  As it turned out they did this type anyway so I was quite relieved.  They x rayed  the sample on the mammogram machine to check they had plenty of calcifications in it.  There was quite a lot of tissue there.  Nothing worse than being recalled to repeat a biopsy because they didn't get enough of a sample.  This happened to me for something else previously and it was awful.

    Do phone the nurses at the breast clinic who will always phone you back.  They will be able to put your mind at rest and probably tell you what sort of biopsy will be done.

    The marker is a tiny tiny little dot of a thing that they put in after the biopsy.  It marks exactly where the calcifications are.  This is useful if you need surgery later on and for later mammograms to compare.  It stays in you forever and doesn't affect airport scanners etc as it's so tiny.

    A difficult week ahead waiting.  Let's hope we all get some reassuring news.

    Take care and try not to worry too much!  I know how you feel, I'm the same!



  • Oh ok! I didn't know about the marker thing! So they do that regardless?

    I wish I'd have asked my mom more questions about her breast cancer. But I guess I was young and all I cared about was her getting better! I was 23 when she passed, and I've struggled so hard with it ever since. All I keep thinking about is leaving my children feeling the same as I do! And I know that she felt the same. She wasn't scared of dying, she was like a total rock. My dad even said she was when we weren't around. I wish I had her strength. 

    I'll keep you posted. Please let me know how you get on. 

    Lets both stay positive. Xx


    Hi Linze,

    I am sorry to h that you lost your mum to cancer. Even though you know that there is no genetic link, this is bound to increase your stress. I lost my own mum to cancer too, but her experience was totally different from mine. Diagnosis, treatment and after care have all improved tremendously since she had it. and I am now living with it, rather than dying with it.

    What with your cervical cancer scare last week and now this, your anxiety is bound to  be at an all time high. Try to keep reminding yourself that "iisn't cancer until youre told that it is cancer". It is not at all unusual to develop phantom pains whilst you are waiting for a diagnosis. As you've already discovered, these usually disappear as soon as you know. Some of this may felbe due to your accident when you felwn stairs, but it could also possibly be hormonal. From what your doctor and surgeon have said, it all sounds pretty hopeful, so you could still have a good outcome. Try to take this day by day, until you know - there's enough to worry about iis world that we cannot control - besides, if it is cancer, stress will only make things worse.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Thank you Jolamine, 


    I am trying to keep perspective! And take reassurance that the Dr and surgeon weren't too concerned. 
    ive just had my appointment through.

    It says: Upright Strero Mammogram + Vac Assist Bx Lt

    It's on Thursday 27th. 

    Is this what you had [@marywj]‍? 


    hi Linze,

    I am delighted to hear that you now have your appointment through and to see that it's not too far away. I hope that it all goes well and that things still look good afterwards.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx