Indeterminate breast calcifications

Hi, has anyone else had this issue?  I went into breast clinic with another lump (I've had numerous fluid filled cysts over the last four years).  That was all fine but they flagged up calcifications on the other side.  I was really shocked.  I've got a biopsy next week and I'm in that horrible inbetween place of not knowing and worrying.  Is this likely to be DCIS?  Thanks x

  • Aww Vicki!

    I know what you mean, I'm doing the same and I haven't had my results yet. I feel like I have aches and pains all over my body! Which I'd probably usually ignore, but it's making me paranoid! I'm sure it's all psychosomatic though, and as soon as we both know the facts, it will probably all go away!!

    I had a cervical cancer scare a few weeks ago, and until I know it wasn't, I was having all kinds of dark thoughts and feelings! I kept thinking of Jade Goody! I had pains in my back and legs, weakness in my legs, abdominal pain, etc. Then as soon as I was given the all clear, it all went away! So I know my mind was playing tricks on me! 

    I'm a Christian - obviously not a very good one or I wouldn't be so worried!! So I'm trying to pray on it daily, but it's still hard to keep thoughts at bay. 

    I've been at work today. I work in a college, and the students have definitely helped keep my mind occupied! So try to keep yourself distracted. I'm sure you'll have some reassurance once you have a plan in place. 

    Oh how lovely of your neighbour!! I hope you enjoy yourself! Xxx

  • PositiveT,


    you're so right! The mind can be dangerous if we let it! 
    I remember a while ago when my health anxiety first started, my yoga teacher told me that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. And it helped me at the time. 



  • It literally is the unknown until you are all tested and told what exactly you are dealing with and how they are going to treat it. Until then our minds can go anywhere and mine frequently does, although I'm getting slightly better at stopping the thoughts when they appear. It is mental torture, but I guess we are the ones doing it so we are the only ones to stop it. And thoughts are just thoughts. They aren't fact. 


    Keep praying. If  it calms you, it can only be a good thing. I'm just having an epsom salts bath and am going to do a guided meditation.


  • Yes, it's crazy how you can loose control of your own mind, when it comes to worries!! Epsom salt baths help me too, and essential oils! When I'm feeling like this, I have a hot bath, get in bed early, and watch something funny! Or sometimes rewatch Harry Potter! Xxx

  • Haha yes - I am familiar with FEAR!

    I'm a psychologist and know exactly what I would be saying to one of my patients but a different story trying to do psychology on yourself! In fact I think we make the worst patients cos have an answer for everything .

    Sounds like you ladies have some great relaxation techniques. Think I will have to adopt some of these myself! Instead of the usual glass or three of wine!


  • Hi Jolamine,

    I'd be interested in your opinion on something that's really worrying me.  Do you think it's common to discover a higher grade cancer after surgery than in the original first biopsy?

    My IDC is apparently very small and grade 1.  As my mammogram was clear 2 years ago I'm worried this could be a more aggressive interval cancer.  I mentioned this to the Dr and she said it would be assessed to see if it was an interval cancer.  My nurse has been reassuring but she also said no guarantees and we must wait until after the surgery.  

    Can we rely on the accuracy of our stereotactic biopsies or are we likely to get a shock after lumpectomy/mastectomy and further biopsies are done.  My biopsy was done by a nurse when I thought it would be done by a Dr.  I wondered what your experience had been?  

    Thankyou x



    Hi Mary,

    I am no expert in biopsies, so cannot really answer your question. I do know that some types of breast cancer don't image as well as others, but I would expect a stereotactic biopsy to be pretty accurate. The more common shock for most people after surgery, is if the surgeon hasn't achieved a clear margin. This would be more likely to be with larger tumours and, in this situation, there would be a need for further surgery.

    As to whether or not this is an interval cancer, only further tests carried out after your surgery will answer this question.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary, 

    Sorry to read about your diagnosis. I'm pleased that they are moving things forward for you so quickly and the prospects for you are very good, which is great. 

    re: the stereotactic biopsies, I can only speak from my own experience, but hoped it might help.  My stereotactic biopsy results showed two different grades and when I finally got my surgery results this week, they was pretty much the only thing that was unchanged and that specific area was 5cm. Fingers crossed then that yours being smaller is hopefully accurate. 

    Hope that helps a bit - hugs Mickey xx ️

  • Thanks Mickey,

    That's reassuring that you didn't get too many nasty shocks with the post surgery biopsies and is good to hear.  My lumpectomy is in 2 weeks and they haven't even explained how it will be done!  My calcifications are 17mm and are quite high up at the top mid line of my breast where I'm quite flat!   I've always had quite a small bust so I worry about clear margins and how she will get it all out!  Did you have lumpectomy or mastectomy?  I hope your feeling well and that it wasn't too traumatic.

    Thanks for your response I really appreciate it.



  • Hi Mary, 

    I totally understand your fears, but hopefully with the calcifications being so small, they should be able to get around the area easily to remove them.  If they were concerned that the position of them would make it difficult then they would have made different recommendations at the MDT meeting, so try not to worry about that. You have so much to get your head around as it is. 

    I had a masectomy there was too much cancer for any other surgery and that was the right decision. 

    Take care of you - Mickey xx ️