Pain in armpit

Hi all.. I came across this forum while googling "pain in armpit but no lump"... and it's reassuring to see many women have been experiencing the same. The thing is, I had my booster vaccine 4 weeks ago and I'm wondering have any of you who posted more recently have had the same? It's on the side I got the injection... I'm of course imagining the absolute worst. I can't get an appointment for my gp at the moment due to this damn virus... Thank you for reading!

  • Hello AinBray

    I'm sorry to hear that you have a health concern at the moment. It's understandable that you may be worried about the ongoing pain and discomfort that you're experiencing. 

    We do know from other posts here on the forum that some people have experienced some ongoing discomfort or a lump after their covid vaccine but we would recommend that anyone who has a health concern speak with their GP in the first instance as they will be best placed to support you. 

    Hopefully you will be able to contact your GP soon and they will be able to give you some reassurance. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi, whilst I think any pain/discomfort should be checked with ur doctor, after my booster I also had pain under armpit on side that had my jab and a lump come up ones my collarbone, I contacted my MDT nurse who dale with my endometrial cancer as was worried and she said this is happening a lot including herself after jab, you still get checked but this may help relax you abit