Hi all
first time posting on here but just looking for a bit of reassurance I think. I developed a rash under my breasts back in September and, as I’m overweight, thought it was due to the skin chafing (despite the fact I’ve never experienced this before, even in peak summer). I waited a few weeks and then went to the doctor when it hadn’t gone. She prescribed me an anti fungal cream but also did a swab, which came back showing a bacterial infection. I’ve since been on a huge variety of creams and a course of antibiotics and oral anti fungal tablets- none of which have made any difference. The rash has largely disappeared on the left but is still there and very angry on the right.
In addition to the rash I have a lot of breast pain, mainly on the right side, and also have clear discharge from the nipple on the right. Also every now and then I get an intense burning feeling in the right nipple, which lasts for a few hours and nothing can relieve.
I was referred to the breast clinic under the urgent 2 week referral but it was just before Christmas, so I haven’t heard anything.
Im freaking myself out googling etc, even though I know I shouldn’t, and am worried about inflammatory breast cancer or Paget’s disease (although the nipple doesn’t have the typical pagets appearance).
Any advice would be gladly received.
many thanks for reading