Possitive stool Fit test

Hey guys i just need a but if reassurance. Ive received a letter today in regards to having a colonoscopy procedure. In the letter it states possitve stool fit test as come back as more than 400? This number seems high.

Just a little concerned

Kind reguards


  • Hi, Donna. 

    I had a fit test a while back which was negative and was recorded at 0 so I'm not sure how they gage the numbers when a positive is found but I was told when doing FIT tests lots can cause blood in stools without if being sinister.

    Have you had a full blood count also?

    I know these times are very worrying but most cases of investigation end with a positive outcome.

    Stay away from Dr Google iv spent many of hours consumed by in and then convincing myself death was imminent.

    Wishing you all the best. 

  • Had bloods done about month and half ago and they seemed fine what i know too. I always try and think possitive and hardly ever look at google to search about things in regards to illness, that just makes you worry more.

    That number seems to be pretty high thats the worrying part.

    Thanks for you comment

    Regards Donna 

  • Hey, I am in a similar position, i've just had my dr call me today to tell me my fit test was positive and I'm being referred 'urgently' for a colonoscopy and was told I should get an app within the next 2-3 weeks. Worried is an understatement

  • I know it's a very worrying time.

    I'm wishing you all the best with next tests and results. 

  • Hey Berry i heard from my gp 2 days after i done the Fit Test he then confirmed that it tested possitive. Asked me about my symptoms i explained these too him, previously id had camera in bladder as id been having a lot of blood in my urine but it wasnt visable to me it was showing up in my pee samples. Bladder scan come back as being fine but what consultant did say to me is if this blood isnt coming from my bladder then this needs to have further investigation. 22nd november i noticed actual blood in my stool, not on the paper on the actual stool, which concerned me, as id noticed my bowels had gone a bit lazy which wasnt like me at all. 23rd november rung GP whom got me a fit test sent threw the post, which i did on the 26th ( ithink it was ) i then done the test sent it off then within a few days gp rung me told me it had tested possitve for blood in stool he asked me questions like i said i explained to him what was going on and he said i needed to be seen. Within a few days after that i had a consultant ring me he adked me about my medical history i explained to him he told me i needed to have a colonoscopy procedure for them to have a look to see whats going on, he as had to speak with my cardiologist as i had to have stents fitted 2nd november this year and im on an antiplatelet drug which i have to take for a year,  those have got to be stopped 48hours prior to having the colonoscopy done as ecplained in the lettet ive received . I had a phone call off the secretary yesterday to say they are going to be doing thr procedure on 4th january so i think that is pretty quick Berry isnt it. I think with anything like this people do worry but at the end of the day i try and keep possitive as its no good worrying over something you have no control over. This is just how i try to deal with things . So they have done a pretty good job so far and are seeing me pretty quickly.

    Please take care and stay strong

    Reguards Donna.

  • I do always try and think possitive

    Thank you for commenting  x

  • That's is so good that you've got a date for the colonoscopy and you'll get some answers. The good thing from what I've read about colonoscopies is that they are able to tell you there and then what the problem is which will be such a relief to find out right away. I completely agree that's it's no good worrying, unfortunately for me I worry about pretty much everything, if it wasn't this it would be something else haha. Let us know how you get on at your app x 

  • Can you please let us know how you get on today. I am driving myself insane about my husbands results and awaiting his colonoscopy. 

    I hope all is well. X 

  • Hi, I hope you are well and everything went smoothly. May I ask how The procedure was? I have one on Saturday due to a positive FIT test also and I am really worried about the procedure itself. I have read many horror stories which is making me super anxious. Thanks and I hope all is well!

  • Everything went well. I had 1 polyp removed which as been took off to annalyzed but they have reassured me it doesnt look cancerous, but maybe would of turned in years to come. As far as the bleeding which i had at first they thought it may have been from off my medication what ive been put on for having stents done back in November. So he as put the bleeding down to the polyp which they found and removed. What they have found out is that i have Diverticulitis (wear and tear of thr bladder) so basically i have to now watch what i eat. Im so pleased as i was petrified, but i was put at ease straight away.

    Please i know its hard but all the worrying in the world wont change whats going on, and all the worrying will just make you poorly, you will probably find its something that can i dealt with quickly. He will be in best hands. Try and think possitive

    Please let us know how he gets on .


    Take care xx