My wife just had a FIT test result at 13

Hello All,

Firstly, thank you for all the posts on here, they have been more helpful than my wife's gp. Over the past 3 months my wife has had a range of strange symptoms, constant pain in lower right abdomen that feels like cramping. Bloating and the need to have diarrhea which started about 8 weeks ago but has progressively got worse (5-8 times a day) 

Just got the result of her fit test which was 13 and the gp has frightened the life out of her saying it's a significant marker for cancer. On this forum there is some really good information but more importantly peoples journeys through this.

We are waiting for the next stage (a call from the clinic) to book in for a colonoscopy.

Thank you all this forum has really helped 

  • FIT tests are only used as a screening so that the GP can decide whether they need to refer someone to the 2 week wait service or not. It doesn't mean you have cancer but the GP does have to make it clear that they're referring you to the urgent clinic though. They say the same to everyone even if only 1 in 10 people who are referred have cancer. 

    I'm currently under the clinic and haven't had a FIT test yet. This is because they already know I have a mass and can feel it. Therefore it wouldn't make any sense as it can't be used to determine whether I have colorectal cancer or not. I understand the concern but try not to stress too much at this point as it could be a lot of other conditions. I've been reading that my symptoms could be caused by perianal Crohns which is more plausible at my age than cancer. 

    I hope this helps. Best wishes to you and your wife.

  • Hi Hazel,

    Thank you for this, I think as it's come on so quickly you just think the worst, I have been reading around the symptoms and we have checked with family members. 2 of her siblings have ulcerative colitis and the symptoms seem to mirror that. They could not feel a mass. 

    It's a waiting game now but it happened to her sister 8 weeks ago and she didn't tell anyone. Hopefully you get your test soon and everything turns out well. This forum has provided us with so much information and highlights the positives. Her GP was less than empathetic and basically emotionanless to her needs. So sad these individuals (at times) forget to be kind.


    Good luck with everything