Waiting for colonoscopy . Why do mri and ct scan first?

I have had reoccurring blood in stools, watery poo and pain for 18month. I have repeatedly spoken to my GP who hasn't taken it seriously. I had blood tests done twice over this time( both normal) and also stool samples (also normal) . I have had periods in between where I have been much better and felt almost normal, but then it starts again.

Finally got to see a doctor who did an exam and felt a mass. I was sent to a consultant who also said he felt the mass. I have had an MRI and CT scan an now waiting for a colonoscopy.  The waiting is torture.  I'm not even 40 and have a young child. I've no idea why the scans have been done firstly and my brain just thinks its going to be awful news. 

  • Hi there, I'm somewhat in the same boat. I've had my colonoscopy and am booked in for an MRI on the 22nd, but still waiting on the results of the biopsies taken. The surgeon who did the colonoscopy digitally checked me afterwards and said he felt something that he wanted to get checked out, so I know that he referred me on for the MRI.

    I have a large flat polyp in my rectum which it seems is going to take a bit more effort to remove; as it is now I'm under the presumption that it's still highly unlikely to be malignant (I'm 35) but because it's difficult polyp the MRI will help them to figure out how best to proceed in removing it. 

    The fact that you've had both an MRI and a CT scan done are both fantastic news, as I'm sure that they both would rule out any advanced growths or worries of that sort. Try not to worry over the colonoscopy, I know I was worried about it but the nurses were wonderful and made the process really quite bareable and not as stressful as I thought it would be. I hope you get answers soon and that things turn out okay for you.

  • Hi. I'm really sorry you are going through this. Sometimes scans are done as a precaution to either rule out/pick up on something. The consultant will be looking to form a picture of what may be going on. Sometimes scans are done first purely because they have free slots. You can always ring your consultant's secretary and ask for an explanation? X

  • Everyone has been lovely so far. Its just the unknown. I hope all goes well with you and you can have a great Xmas. 

  • They said this is the way the consultant wanted it, so who knows. Another wait and see I guess.

  • Offline in reply to Swnw

    Me to on Friday. Terrified. Keep thinking about the C word


  • I am in a similar position. It all depends on where the mass is. They usually do the CT and MRI to see how big it is and if any lymph nodes are involved. For example, sometimes the mass may be too large to do a colonoscopy and they will just skip it and do surgery instead. That's what they did for my Nan.

    I currently have a large polyp in my low rectum / anus and the consultant immediately booked me in for surgery. Mine is progressively getting painful and growing but I thought it was haemorrhoids and ignored it at first.

    They haven't booked me in for a scan but he did book me in for a sigmoidoscopy which wasn't completed due to the pain. I'm told they'll redo it whilst I'm under GA to remove the polyp. When I asked the consultant if it was anything to worry about, he said I have to wait for the biopsy results after the surgery. Not reassuring but I understand.

    Polyps usually occur in the 60s plus but I'm in my mid 20s. Even if it is benign it's still extremely uncommon so I'm not sure what to think. It's scary to wait. Colorectal cancers are increasing in younger people. I'm healthy and have no risk factors for rectal or anal cancer. I'm praying it's benign.

  • So sorry to hear what you are going through. The waiting is the hardest bit. I'm praying it's something harmless as my consultant wouldn't give any info on what he thought it was. Said he want to see it before he gives a diagnosis.  Not reassuring either. Let's hope age is on our side. X

  • Hello Nameymcnameson. I have read some of your other posts and we seem to have something similar going on too. I have also been reading academic journals which I know I need to stop but my anxiety is through the roof. Anal cancer in my age group is practically undocumented! But I do know colorectal cancers are becoming more common in young people and my nan had it so that could be a risk factor for me.

    The process that they take is different for everyone. I wrote some of this in my last post too but I already have surgery booked to remove the polyp. No scan or stool tests booked so far. I went for a sigmoidoscopy but they couldn't complete it as I was in so much pain. There are a lot of nerve endings where my polyp is and I think I may also have coexisting haemorrhoids. The surgeon said that the haemorrhoids caused the polyp but I'm not sure how true that is. Everything I read says that haemorrhoids don't cause polyps! Sadly he couldn't reassure me that it was nothing to worry about. So I'm still very scared. I'm just grateful that I've been booked in and will hopefully be back to normal by mid Jan.

    The good thing is that even if it is cancer, treatment has come a far way. Usually it only becomes difficult to treat if it has reached other organs. For the most part, treatment can cure it despite being gruelling. 

    Would love to hear everyone's update when the results come back. I will also update here. Please stay strong

  • Hi there, yes you are entirely right; thank goodness, whichever outcome we're all looking at, that we're facing it in this decade. It's important to try to look at it from a positive angle for sure. I'd a wee blip there the day after my colonoscopy, but I'm feeling a lot less worried about it now.. it is just a process that needs to be worked through and that's all there is to it. I'm reminding myself to be grateful that I'm at the stage of investigation I'm at and hopefully if it did turn out to be anything malignant, things have moved fast for me and the outcome should be positive. 

    That does sound awful and I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a painful experience with your sigmoidoscopy. It's not an easy process at the best of times. Glad to hear that you have your surgery booked; the waiting and not knowing is just the worse, but thank goodness for yourself you have that in sight. 

    Take care of yourself and try not to worry. Looking forward to hearing of a good outcome for you 

  • How did you get on? I have unfortunately been diagnosed with rectal cancer. My prognosis looks good and I'm waiting now for my appointment with the oncologist to find out if I am having radiotherapy, chemo or both together .