Urgent GP referrals

Hi All! 

I hope all of you are well and staying strong through these rubbish-y times. I stopped by today to hear your thoughts and possibly get some advice, because I feel like the stress of waiting will just eat me alive. 

I have been suffering from the painful shoulder for more than half a year now. Initially it was suspected to be a shoulder impingement, therefore, started attending physio privately (....waiting times for NHS were just insane, which is absolutely understandable in the current times...).

However, during the past six months my shoulder pain hasn't gone. I have also noticed I am losing hair and it does not look like a healthy quantity at all. Besides, I have developed a dry cough and have a random fever every single night (nothing serious, but within a range of 37-37.4 - out of nowhere). In addition to that, I am diagnosed with PCOS and lost around 5kgs in two months without trying - which is a bit unusual as I can admit - I do takeaway at least once a week - shame on me, I know I should stop :/ 

Since cough hasn't stopped, I have contacted my GP last week and after discussing my history, she referred me to do a blood test and X-ray (painful shoulder and chest). Did the blood tests on Thursday, but no one contacted me yet to discuss the results. Instead, I received a letter from GP telling me I am being referred for a non-obstetric ultrasound, but no further detail as of which body part this is concerned. 

In addition to above, my X-ray scan was also given to me as an urgency and I am being seen at the hospital next week. Therefore, my question is - why the urgency? What could my GP be suspecting? 

I am worried sick as the GP reception did not disclose any of the blood test results to me, nor told me what is the ultrasound for. I was only told to try call the surgery in the morning and arrange an urgent GP appointment, because the only availability for the GP appointments they have are next month!! 

But to me it's just contradicting... Why am I being referred to urgent tests, scans, but no one can actually comment it to me why? Should I figure it out myself? 

I am not the most patient individual, I know, but I don't really know what to think by now. Hoping to hear from anyone who has been in a similar situation. 

Thank you. 



  • Hello Gretella

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some ongoing health concerns recently. We know that for many people this period of waiting for tests, appointments, and results can be difficult and it's understandable that you're feeling anxious about things. 

    It's good to know that your GP is arranging some additional tests. If you're concerned about the ultrasound that you've been referred for then do give the GP surgery a call and ask for some more information about the referral. It may be that the GP has requested some checks on your PCOS. 

    If you'd like to chat with our team ofnurses about your concerns then you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    In the meantime, I hope that you have some answers soon and that things settle for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello, I hope by now you have managed to speak to your GP. It sounds as if something has been picked up in your blood and the suspicion that your symptoms MAY indicate something serious hence the urgent tests. A family member suffered severe arm pain for many months and after an X Ray - myeloma was diagnosed, however, shoulder impingement can take months to improve and hair loss can be caused by thyroid issues etc. I understand how scary it is waiting for test results and hope you get some answers soon x