Oncotype score 28 Chemo or no Chemo

Diagnosed with grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma er+ her2- no lymph node involvement and clear margin from lumpectomy (33mm) oncotype test came back 28 and the decision has been left for me to make to have Chemo or not. Is anyone else in same situation? Finding this really hard!

  • Hi, 

    My journey appears To be very similar.

    I found my lump back in august .Lumpectony and sentinal nodes removed. Clear margins and no cancer in lymph. 
    May lump grade 2 invasive ductal breast cancer. Her2negative. Oestrogen positive.

    had oncotype dx  recurrence score down 28th September - Mine came back at 22.


    oncotype score depends on age. And they do two different oncotypes -I think you've had a DX score like me. 

    if over 50years old then oncotype of over 26 is suggested chemo.  
    Age under 50'then oncotype need to be under 22

    im 42 and my oncologist said they want Oncotype  number for my age range to be under 16.


    I was not given the choice of chemo or not really -I was strongly advised to do chemotherapy- which i started just two days ago. 

    Are you allocated a breast care nurse -you could ask them for evidence. 
     Risks / benefits.

    Life longevity if no chemo.  I asked about risk of coming back- chance of fertility after I went in with lots of questions.  Number of cycles of chemo if You do go ahead.
    My only concern if cancer did come back and I hadn't gone down the chemo route will I be blaming myself for it giving it a go-  maybe I have a few stray cancer cells

    somewhere that need blasting.  However Ron the other hand chemo is not a full garentee you will be cancer free forever either. X
    It's a tough decision for you.  

    Here if you need any more advice

    Efffie x

  • I have my report it says 17% distant recurrence risk at 9 years with Tamoxifen alone >15% with tamoxifen and chemo. Oncologist said she just over the fence on the decision to have Chemo but did say before the call ended that she wouldnt loose sleep over me if I was to say no. Which didn't help at all really. Nurse told me to join the groups and have some time to think about it. I've done that much thinking my head hurts and I'm no closer to deciding x

  • Hi

    I’m in the same situation and really don’t know how to make a decision. Oncotype score of 28, I’m 58, n0, er+, Her2-, clear margins. Just started radiotherapy and thought that was a clear plan so feeling very thrown. Oncologist not sure chemo indicated looking at clinical/oncotype as a whole but I don’t want to regret anything in the future. 

    Have read endlessly but not very helpful in making a decision. Really understand your dilemma. I need to decide by Friday... 

    good luck x

  • Sorry, only just noticed the date of the posts! Hope all is well x

  • Hi, only just read your post now... I am in the same position as you were. My gut feeling is not to go with chemo.  I have had a really bad experience with an oncologist snd referred to another one who had gone through everything with me. My score was 28 I have had a lumpectomy, 30mm tumor (lobular cancer) removed clear margins and no spread to nodes. She told me thst for everyone with a score of 26+ the stats are always 17 nd 15% irrespective of type of cancer and age.  In my case she said realistically the benefit would be in the region of 6% increased mortality within 9 years which is only 2% more than using the predict tool.  I   need to make my decision  this week and still leaning towards radiotherapy and letrazole.  Just wanted to share with you.

    Thanks x

  • Hi Lilster

    It is a tough decision, so I really feel for you.  I went round in circles with it, read endless journal articles and felt none the wiser.  I ended up having a second opinion with a consultant who was extremely helpful and framed it as 'what's the best imperfect decision for me'.  I ended up having chemo - way more grim than I'd feared!- but done now thank goodness.  

    I also spoke to someone through Breastcancernow, they have volunteers who have been through a similar experience and are willing to discuss it and they organise a time to speak.

    My main oncologist was very ambivalent about whether the benefit of chemo was worth it but I am very risk averse and I thought about what would help me to be less anxious following treatment. I think it is such an individual decision which is what makes it so hard when it is quite borderline. 

    I had radiotherapy which was fine and now on Letrozole. 

    Do let me know if you have any other questions.  Good luck making your decision.

    best wishes x


  • Thank you so much..... I still feel I know whats best for me (I think). Im 62 and do t think I could write off 12 months for a statistic. Totally agree the difference  in consultants. The one i saw initially slly had my chemo plan drawn up wouldnt go through anything with me and was so rude. My new oncologist is lovely but she wont mske the decision for me unfortunately. She has suggested 3 rounds of EC every 3 weeks the 9 weekly doses of pax however the side affects sound horrendous! I just wish my surgeon would have discussed  onco as an option as it was always radiotherapy and hormones.  Anyway nearly there another week on.... Thanks again x

  • Did you go for chemo hun. Iv got lobular and need to say by Monday if I want it. I’m thinking no x

  • What did you decide? How are you doing?