Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma


Thought I would say hi to anyone who may be in a similar situation. I'm 37 with 3 children and just been diagnosed with eostrogen and progesterone positive Her2 negative grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. I find out tomorrow the results of the lymph biopsies and subsequent treatment plan - effectively whether I'll be having upfront chemo or straight in with surgery. I had genetic counselling today and will have the test to see if I carry a mutation which may affect my surgical decision making. Everything seems to move so slow in the initial stage and then suddenly it's all systems go. It all feels a little scary and overwhelming sometimes so if there is anyone else going through this who would like to share this journey I am more than happy to keep you company along the road. 


    Hi Cat_lady

    I am so sorry to hear of all that you are going through. It does feel scary at this stage, but gets a little easier once you know what youre dealing with and start to fight it. There are a number of people on this forum who are still battling grade 3 a number of years down the line. I hope that some of them will come along to chat to you soon. The thing that will help you most is to try and remain positive about all that you are going through and steer clear of google, as this will only scare you further for no useful purpose.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine 

    Thank you for your response and sorry for the slow reply, things have been a little hectic!! So the cancer has spread for me into the first 3 lymph nodes. I start 24 weeks of chemo next week, followed by surgery then radiation. I had my genetic testing last week which will help inform how extensive the surgery will be. This week I'm having my covid jab, my pre chemo checks and a PICC line fitted, it all gets a bit hectic. I'm a bit bummed as I thought I'd get a bit of a break in between the chemo sessions but it seems I don't. I'm having it every week for the first 12 then every 3 weeks for the second 12 ( they introduce a further 2 drugs at that point). On the plus side I preemptively had my eyebrows tattoed on so I'm hoping It helps. Hope you are keeping well and starting to enjoy some more freedoms (safely) 

    Best wishes 


    Hi Cat_Lady,

    It's great to hear from you again. Don't worry about the slow reply. Things get pretty fraught when you  know what you are dealing with, so it can be difficult to find the time or the energy to reply. I am sorry to hear that there has been some spread to your lymph nodes, but hopefully the chemo will zap this. It sounds as if this is going to be a busy week for you.

    You will be anxious to see how your genetic testing turns out - I hope that this will be good news for you, because you are surely due some. How are you feeling about starting chemo? It's a daunting thought. This is going to be a tough year for you, but by next year this will only be a memory, as you get back to a normal life without continuous hospital visits. I am glad to hear that you have already had your eyebrows tattoed - a good pre-emptive move!

    I still haven't been out much, as I am waiting to see how things go now that so many seem to be totally ignoring any thought of spacial awareness. Still, looking on the bright side, I've had both of my jags.

    I shall be thinking of you throughout the next few months and hope that your chemo goes well and does what it's supposed to do. Please keep in touch as and when you can and remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx