Grade 1 Invasive ductal carcinoma

I was diagnosed with grade1 invasive ductal carcinoma on Friday! Feel devastated - I have so much going on at the moment and just feel so angry and frustrated as I just don't have time or energy to deal with all this ( I help care for my mum who's has advanced dementia)  

I also really don't want to tell my younger kids - aged 8 & 12- my youngest suffers terribly with anxiety and he will be so fearful! The doctor has said surgery and radiotherapy looks to be the plan but I have to have mri, ultrasound this week and then get definate plan in 2 wks. So I'm thinking I could get away with them not knowing the full extent of what's wrong?! 
Has anyone chosen not to tell their kids? 

  • Hi same position just be diagnosed with DICS and told will need mascetomy.  I have told my 15 year old but not in huge detail.  I have decided I am not going to tell my 10 year old until I have a date for surgery and know more detail. He is a worrier and has a learning disability. I am a single parent as well.  I think you should do what you feel comfortable with.  Children do surprise you and are very resilant.  You know them best.  Good luck.



  • Hiya,

    Sorry to hear you have BC. I was diagnosed in April and fortunately have had my op and finished radiotherapy and other then taking tamoxifen I'm all done.

    My children are 18 and 12. I told my eldest and he has been a brilliant support and colluded with me to keep it from my youngest, who thank god remains blissfully unaware. I felt that if I had to tell him I would but fortunately it's not been necessary. 

    Wishing you all the best for your treatment x

  • Thanks Frazzles,

    I will see what the treatment plan is, may then tell my 12 yr old! Have you been given a date for your mastectomy- I'm curious how quickly this happens! 

  • Thanks 123nelly,

    this fills me with positivity, I'm so hoping this will be the case with me too! I work in a school and hate taking time off, but also worried about the risks of covid-19!


  • Hi

    Thank you.  I am so pleased your 18 year old was supportive it makes all the difference.   My 15 year seems to be taking it in her stride.  Can I ask if you had mascetomy and reconstruction and how you were after ops.



  • Hi no date yet as they are talking about doing mascetomy and reconstruction all at the same time and that takes time to organise.  If I have just the mascetomy I think I could have been on the list in about 3 to 4 weeks.  Hope you find out soon.  I am seeing my consultant tomorrow so hoping for more answers.



  • Hiya Frazzles


    I had a lumpectomy & sentinel node biopsy and recovered quickly. Felt numb and weird to start with but now almost 12 weeks on I am back to playing sport, back to work and the numbness is only where I have some back fat - so not feeling that isn't a problem . 

    I am very lucky that my margins were clear so I didn't need to have any further ops.  I didn't have a mastectomy but  I am sure what you are imagining it will be like is a whole lot worse than the reality.


    wishing you all the best on this truly s*** journey we are on. Also make sure you get the heart shaped pillow for post op, it was a life saver (they are made by volunteers and slot under your arm- your BCN will know how to get one to you).


    keep me posted on how you get on xx

  • Hi thank you. Will let you know what happens.