Anxiety and Fear after Melanoma diagnosis



I had a mole removed in February this year and a few weeks later I had the results which came back as a malignant melanoma.


I had a wide local excision to remove the surrounding skin from the area which has healed well as far as I can see. With the depth of the melanoma they suggested for me to have a sentinel lymph node biopsy which I knew came with its own risks anyway. When all this covid-19 started they were unable to do the SLNB and just wrote on my

notes (SLNB post covid) so this is still pending. 


my results from the WLE came back all clear and they said there was no cancer cells in the surrounding skin which is amazing news of course and I know that, I just cant help feeling like I am on edge and thinking the worst especially

with not knowing if it has spread, I kind of feel like I have just been left to wonder if it has spread with not being able to have any further testing due to covid. I know there are so many people going through worse situations and I cant help but feel guilty for having these feelings of uncertainty myself. I am scared, my anxiety is through the roof and I feel like it is really affecting me on a daily basis. 

when I was diagnosed I had not long given birth to my little girl I felt like my whole world was so complete after this, I also have 2 other children and this new addition completed my family perfectly. The minute when you are told you have cancer you just go kind of numb, nobody really understands  I am 33 years old and I just feel so anxious about it all and I cant seem to stop feeling that way. 

Sorry for the long rambling post I have never done one before. Does anyone have any tips or advice it would be much appreciated. I feel a little bit better for posting and getting it off my chest. 


thank you for reading 


stay safe xx

  • Thank you for sharing your story...I'm sorry I'm not able to offer any advice as I just came across your post as I'm myself is extremely anxious after noticing a change in an existing mole; raised and darkened. I've made an appointment with the GP but terrified its bad news!

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry you are going through all this, especially throughout Covid. 

    I'm assuming, due to being offered SLNB, that your melanoma was more than 0.8mm in depth? I know Covid has meant you couldn't have the SLNB, but don't put too much emphasis on that. This procedure isn'tt done for treatment purposes, it's used to Stage the patient more exactly. Although you haven't had it done you will still get regular check ups where your moles will be checked & they will look for any lumps, bumps in the nodal areas. At the first sign of anything worrying, either found by you or the consultant, they will check it out. As you haven't had the SLNB done you could ask if they will monitor you by ultrasound - patients who choose not to have the procedure are mainly monitored in this way instead.

    Your WLE results are good news so that's something to focus on. If you would like to talk to someone for more advice about your situation you could ring this charity who have a Melanoma Nurse on a Helpline at certain times of the day. The charity are all Medical Professionals (including my Plastic Surgeon) and they will give you great advice

    Meanwhile, I will send you a friend request - if you accept it I can send you more information via private message. 

    Take care,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)

  • Thats okay sometimes is reassuring just to chat about it and hear other peoples stories. I am so sorry to hear you are worried about a mole.


    I hope it is not bad news from the GP. When is your appointment? 




  • Thank you and I hope you continue to stay healthy  


    The appointment is tomorrow but already had a GP look at the photo of the mole and thinks the sudden darkened and raised patch may be worrying.

    I just hope it doesn't take too long to arrange a test.


    Thank you for replying xx