Melanoma anxiety

Hi, I went to the dermatologist in June because I have a lot of atypical moles and have has some removed in the past. One of them (on my shoulder) came back as possibly pre-cancerous (not exactly sure what this means) 7 years ago and I had a wider excision but the doctors didn't seem too concerned. This time I had a mole removed from my lower leg that I was slightly worried about, although the doctor didn't seem to think there was cause for concern and said we can remove it or leave it, but I preferred to have it removed. Last week they called me and asked me to come in for an appointment, but I am currently away visiting family so I got the doctor to call me and she said that they found melanoma in my mole. It's very thin, only 0.1 mm, so I know this doesn't seem very serious, but since then I have done nothing but worry. I'm constantly aware of every sensation in my body and have been having pains in my legs and arms that I never noticed before - usually very mild and temporary though. I also have a lot of other moles and I can't help thinking some of them may be melanomas as well - after all the one I had removed didn't even look extremely suspicious. Now I was feeling my armpits and I think I possibly feel a lump and I'm worried my lymph nodes are swollen, although I'm not sure if that's just what my armpits are supposed to feel like. In any case I'm in total panic mode thinking it has already spread. I'm only 29 and just planning to move in with my partner and talking about having kids in the near future and I'm terrified of dying. I know my situation is pretty good considering but I would really appreciate any help/advice/support. I will hopefully have my wle next week and I feel like it can't come soon enough. I just want to get it all out and I want all my other moles and my lymph nodes checked thoroughly.

  • Hi,

    OK, take a deep breath and take this slowly.

    Your melanoma is very, very thin and the chances of it spreading is infinitesimal. To spread, the melanoma has to grow deep enough that, any cell that then breaks off can enter the lymphatic or blood systems to then travel in the body. As yours is so shallow there is very little chance of it being able to do that.

    In cases where it does spread, it does so in a certain direction. A cell from a melanoma on a lower limb will move up through the body & lodge in the nearest lymph node (the groin) and then on towards the heart. A melanoma on the torso will move into a node in the armpit whilst one on the head/face will spread to a neck node. So this means that anything you can feel in your armpits is not connected (it would only affect one armpit, not both if it was melanoma). Neither does melanoma cause aches & pains in your limbs. So I'm pretty sure that all these sensations that you are experiencing is caused by the stress of worrying about your mole. 

    After your WLE you will be monitored by a dermatologist for a time. At these check ups they will do a cursory check of your other moles so if you have anything that is concerning you please point it out to them. Having had an atypical mole removed before, and if you have lots of moles, it's worth asking them if mole mapping is possible. This is where they do a body map of all your moles & they check, measure & photograph any that need keeping an eye on. They then refer to the map every time you go for a check up. It's not available at every hospital but it can be done privately if you can afford it. It's only done though for patients with lots of moles, especially atypical ones, that are difficult to keep track of.

    A mole that's so shallow means that, after surgical removal & monitoring you have a 97% chance of never having any further problem, so please take comfort in that. You have caught it early & that's the most important thing. You will be shown how to check your moles & lymph nodes at one of your appointments so regular self checking (once a month is enough) will help you feel in control. Any mole you feel is worrying - photograph it with a ruler next to it to show the size. Then repeat 2 weeks later. If no change, do it again another 2 weeks later & repeat for 8 weeks - if no change then it will be fine. If there is a change, you can then contact your consultant or show it at your next appointment. The majority of dodgy moles or lumps (nodes) are found by the patient & then confirmed by the consultant.

    I hope that this information has helped ease your worries a little and that your WLE appointment comes through quickly. Meanwhile, try to distract yourself with work, hobbies, planning your move with your partner, and don't fixate on your melanoma - you will be fine. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)

  • Hi,


    I have just read your post and I just wanted to say how you are feeling is completely normal under the circumstances. I had a mole removed in April, I hadn't noticed any change in it and the mole was tiny but I just didn't like the look of it. The dermatologist removed it and it came back as stage 1a melanoma 0.5mm. I was shocked to find out I had cancer, it was a tiny mole. Like you I also have lots of moles and i was worried about them all especially as my cancerous mole wasn't the largest one I had and it didn't look suspicious. I spoke to the consultant who agreed to do a full mole check before I had my WLE, maybe you could ring the consultant and explain how you are feeling?

    I also worry about my body and I am constantly checking my moles/lymph nodes and worry about every pain and funny sensation so you are not alone. I hope in time the anxiety will lessen.


  • Hi,


    Thank you so much for your reply, it's helpful to hear that I'm not alone in feeling this way, although I'm sorry that you're going through this.


    I had my WLE a week and a half ago and my lymph nodes seemed fine according to the consultant, but as he was not a dermatologist (the WLE was done at the plastic surgery see and treat clinic) he was unable to do a full mole check. He urged me to contact dermatology again though to have my check-up moved forward, so I now have an appointment coming up 18.9. Originally my next appointment would have been 30.10 which feels like ages away considering the mole was first biposied end of June. Also I'm a little bit confused as over the phone my dermatologist told me that the mole was 0.1 mm which would make it Stage 0/In situ, but when the consultant had my details up on the computer screen when I had my WLE it said stage 1A and 0.5 mm so I'm not really sure what to think.


    It definitely increases my worries that the mole was not that different from my other ones, and did not really even match the ABCDE criteria - it was darker than most of my other moles, but I have plenty that look more irregular and a few that are as dark as this one. And it was only after i went through my photos and found one from a few years ago where you could see the mole that I noticed that it looked bigger. I feel like it's impossible with so many moles to keep an eye on all of them and to remember if they're new or old and to notice if they've changed. At the moment I'm constantly taking photos of them for future reference, and luckily my dermatologist told me they will do mole mapping when I have my next appointment. There are a few that I would really like to have removed but I'm not sure if my dermatologist will agree to have them removed. I'd just rather be on the safe side and remove anything that has the slightlest chance of being cancerous.


    I'm trying not to think about this too much at the moment and I'm a bit less panicky than I was in the beginning but it's hard having to wait so long for my next appointment. I hope you are doing okay and managing to cope with the anxiety! 

  • Hi AngieT,


    Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a long and helpful reply, I really appreciate the support. I hope you are doing okay?


    I had my WLE about a week and a half ago and was able to ask the consultant some questions, and he also checked my lymph nodes, but as it was done at the plastic surgery see and treat clinic he was unable to do a full mole check. I was also slightly confused when he pulled up my details on the screen and it said the mole was 0.5 mm and stage 1A - when I talked to the dermatologist over the phone she said it was only 0.1 mm?


    Will have my next appointment end of September though and will be able to have mole mapping done luckily. Thank you for your advice on self-checking, I found it very useful. Have been trying to take pictures of my moles for future reference. I find it difficult though that the mole was not that different from my other ones, and did not really even match the ABCDE criteria - it was darker than most of my other moles, but I have plenty that look more irregular and a few that are as dark as this one. There are several that I would like to have removed, but I'm worried that the dermatologist won't find them concerning enough to remove them - I would really rather be on the safe side and remove anything that looks the least bit suspicious.


    I am feeling slightly less anxious than I was a few weeks ago though. Just trying not to think about this constantly, and going back to work after being furloughed has been helpful as well in getting back to some kind of normal routine.