Can I get a prophylactic mastectomy privately?

I need a unilateral mastectomy and would at least like to consider or talk to someone about a double mastectomy, does anyone know if I can get this done privately as the NHS won't do it. I have small breasts and am concerned about the pain and cosmetic results of DEIP flap and LD flap. 

  • Hi May57,

    Unfortunately I'm unsure of the answer to this - it may be helpful to talk through with our nurses who may be better able to advise. If so you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5 - or post in the 'Ask the nurses' section of this forum.

    Otherwise do discuss with your doctor so you can get all the options.

    I hope you can find out more soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator


    Hi May,

    Most surgeons don't want to carry out a bilateral mastectomy when only one breast is affected. They say that there is no additional benefit from doing this, as opposed to having a single, followed up by suitable treatment.

    I was fortunate that my surgeon was happy to go ahead with the double and, I must say that I now feel much happier that I have removed all that I can. Sadly, I couldn't have reconstruction due to previous non-cancer related surgery, but I manage well with an assortment of prostheses for different activities.

    If you are sure that this is what you want, it might be worth having an initial appointment with a prrivate surgeon.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi,


    I wondered if you managed to sort this?  I have had a mastectomy on the right breast.  I had biopsies on the left as there were calcifications so it looked like I would have both breasts removed but only one breast has been removed.  I hate the way I look and feel lop sided so I would like the other breast removed as soon as possible.  I also have the  overwhelming fear of having to go through chemo etc again if the calcification develop into cancer.  I am cononsidering paying for a private mastectomy.

  • Hello, sorry I missed this post. No unfortunately they performed a unilateral mastectomy and left me with one breast. I still have no contralateral mastectomy or any luck in finding a surgeon who will discuss this. They will only offer DIEP flap reconstruction, I am frustrated and totally confused. How did you get on?

  • Hi. How did you get on with this? I had a lhs masectomy almost 3 years ago. My plan was to wait a year after treatment to make sure I.knew what I wanted but I was pretty sure from the start I didn't want reconstruction and a prophylactic masectomy was the way to go. Covid has delayed the process to see if I can have this. I have an appt in June to discuss with my consultant but my cancer nurse advised a couple of.months ago they may not be doing non cancer surgeries by then. I am desperate to be flat now. Having one dd breast is impractical and I choose not to wear a prosthetic so have to choose loose wearing clothing to try to hide. A private hospital quoted me nearly 7k to have it done  

  • Hello Momac

    I just wanted to post a quick reply to you and ask if you've heard of a charity called Flat Friends? They're an organisation that support women who are living flat following a mastectomy. 

    If you're not already in touch with them please do have a look at their website. They have a forum as well as some very active private support groups on Facebook and I know that there are women in those groups who will be happy to share their advice and experiences with you regarding requesting a mastectomy for symmetry. It may be worth dropping them a message for some advice and support. 

    I wish you well for your appointment next month and hope that you're able to have your surgery approved. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello,

    I am so sorry you are going through this. Unfortunately no one would do the prophylactic mastectomy for personal choice so I took a different route. I decided to get tested privately for ALL the faulty genes such as BRCA, PALB2 etc at a cost of £500 ish, this came back positive, so they performed the second mastectomy on that basis. There are also further tests you can get to assess your chances of getting breast cancer again which is separate to the BRCA, PALB2 etc Julia Bradbury provides info on her instagram account. If you decide to go this route ensure you use a reputable well know health company so the NHS can’t discount it.
    As for being denied any further non cancer surgery they will tell you this as long as you accept it. Unfortunately you will have to be super determined which ultimately takes it’s toll on you and doesn’t go down well but could help you to get the surgery you want.
    This is just my experience and may not be the case for everyone. Good luck.

  • Hi jenn, thanks for this info. I have subscribed to the forum and will have a read.

    Many thanks


  • Hi @may567 

    @may567 ​​​​​​​wow that must have been quite an ordeal to go through. I'm so glad you got there in the end but sorry it was such a battle.

    May I ask how you are feeling about being flat now? I have been ready for doing this for so long I will be fighting my corner and have a supportive bc nurse but if the nhs aren't doing non cancer diagnosis surgeries I may have a long wait. 

    I didn't know about the other gene testing so this is another possible option for me and I'll check out Julia Bradbury insta.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, you have really helped.
