What type of treatments

I’ll be having Pertuzumab, trastuzumab and docetaxel (plus another one that I can't remember name of) treatment for my stage 3a invasive HER2 positive and ER positive breast Cancer. Anyone else had this targeted therapy plus chemo treatment? Wondering how bad side effects are? Feeling anxious for my start of it this Wednesday. 

  • Yes it's a good idea to rest anyway, I've over pushed myself before now thinking I'd be fine and it really does catch up with you. Just take your time with it, everything will be fine.

    the constipation will be from the steroids, definitely take the laxatives as soon as possible if you need them because it's just your first round but it really does start to get painful over time. You will get into a routine with your symptoms as it's the same each time so you can learn to manage them with medications and rest. If it's anything like mine then constipation comes in the first 5 days then you get the opposite of painful diarheah by around day 6. For me I've developed hemroyds over time so it's very painful! That's why it's best just to take the laxitives in the first few days just to keep everything moving.

    its ok to feel down, there are times I feel motivated and there are also times I just walk around the house crying. It's going to be an emotional rollercoaster and you will go through every emotion there is. There are times I feel angry this has happened to me, I'm scared because I don't know the future, but at the same time I've learned to feel thankful that I am here for now and I've been given the chance to fight it.


    just remember that however rubbish you feel or whatever symptoms you experience they pass as quickly as they come, I find that helpful to focus on.

    when I get very poorly I try just sleep it off, and I know that the next day the symptoms always get better, sometimes I have different symptoms but it's always moving forward and changing so I'm not getting overwhelmed by it all I'm just trying to keep moving forwards.


    you can do this! Wishing you all the best for your treatment xx


  • Thank you Louisa. It's reassuring to hear others get through it. The laxatives worked last night. Feeling better this morning. As you say, I'll soon have a routine. It's all a bit of what's going to happen day to day for me at the moment with it being first time session. At least I'm not feeling sick as that's my worst fear. 

    im going to contact nurse today. I've still got pain up my wrist above site of cannula and the site looks like the veins have all run into one. 

    Thanks again for your advice xx

  • Buy a cheap diary and keep track of your symptoms daily via that. That's what I do and it really helps when you go see your oncology appointment just to go through everything as they will be the ones that prescribe you meds for the next time so you don't forget anything, which is easy to do when chemo brain kicks in.


    ive developed a really bad cough this time, but I know it's to do with the thrush in my mouth which I've had three times so far. It seems to get worse each time though, which most symptoms get in your later treatments. I just have one more treatment to go now, I cannot wait! Feel like I'm about to be reborn and start fresh!


    your arm will ache often and your veins will get sick of being messed with! Not just for chemo but it's all the blood tests, mri, heart scans etc. You will find you are constantly being jabbed and bruised and your veins will start to put up a fight.

    i have a large bruise up my whole wrist too to elbow. It's the deep black, green rainbow type. This happens often after chemo and is normal. Think it's worst this time round because there was difficulty getting my vein at chemo day, it twisted round and bled badly. What you should watch out for is thrombophlebitis (think that is the right name) it's swelling of your veins. I got this after my first few rounds and it is horrendously painful. You will know you have this because you won't be able to stretch your arm out, it will feel tight and pulling and will hurt a lot. You can get gel though that you rub on and makes the swelling go down and you can do exercises to stretch your veins out so they don't get too tight. Oncologist will show you. Laying your arm on a hot water bottle helps too x


  • Hi Kayjay8 

    I believe you know how to put a picture on here?

    Can you tell me how? I just  want to show a few people the wigs I've got and the li ks but having di4as I'm no IT wiz!!



  • Hi, when you post or reply. You will see a row of icons. The one before the smiley face is the photo upload icon you click on . Just up load from there. I'd love to see your pics :)