I am so confused


On Friday, I got a phone call from the hospital saying “your biopsy results are back and I can’t tell you what they are, but you need an urgent appointment with the oncologist Mr X so I will speak to him and phone you on Monday to confirm the appointment”. The way the person on the phone spoke made it very clear that the results were positive for cancer, just without actually saying the words.


I then got a phone call today from the hospital saying that they had spoken to Mr X (the Oncologist) and he said that my biopsy didn’t give a definite diagnosis after all, and that they have made an appointment for me next Tuesday (11th) to discuss things with Mr X. 

I am just so confused! How can the results be inconclusive? Surely they biospy either shows cancerous cells, or doesnt show them? I also have all the symptons and have been told that i am very very likely to have Cancer. SO annoying that i have to wait even longer.


-- also, they are testing for Hodgkins Lymphoma --

do you think it is more a case of 'we dont know if it is Hodgkins or non-Hodgkins' or 'we dont know if it is cancer or not'??

I feel like my emotions are really being messed with.

  • Hello imoannaomi

    I'm sorry to hear that you're still waiting for the results of your biopsy. It's obviously a reslly difficult time for you at the moment. 

    I wonder if you might find it helpful to write down all your questions ahead of your appointment next week. That way when you see the Consultant you can ask these and won't leave having forgotten something. 

    We know that waiting is hard and I do hope that next week you get some answers and reassurance. 

    Let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi,


    I'm now in the exact same position. Inconclusive biopsy of enlarged lymph node so I'm awaiting another biopsy and an MRI. Have you had results yet?

  • I had a breast biopsy done by ultrasound and a metal pin put in to mark the spot, the results were inconclusive and I was told the pin was in the wrong place,so I had a biopsy done by vacuum assisted which I could very painful and was left very bruised afterwards, I have now been told I need another vacuum assisted biopsy. I really don’t want this done again as I felt very traumatised afterwards. I have been told I need this biopsy to find out what it is they have found, also this was done on the opposite side of the breast. Had anyone else had this happen.