BC diagnosis before biopsy results?!

Hi Everyone,

My wife noticed a lump in her left breast on Sunday, went to the GP on Monday, and was referred to the breast clinic. She has PMI, so we used that to get a quicker appointment privately as she was going spare.

That appointment was today (Friday), and she had a mammogram, ultrasound, 1 biopsy of the lump, and FNA of another suspicious area in the same breast, and an inflamed LN. 

We were told that it is cancer, and she had an MRI of the breast. This was all today.

We go back on Wednesday next week for the results of the above, and a PET scan is booked.

Am I going crazy, how do you end up with a cancer diagnosis without the biopsy results at least?

There is already talk of oncologists, chemo, surgery etc. I'm really freaked out.


  • Dear Andy

    I am sorry for your wife’s diagnosis .

    I have only just been diagnosed myself with breast cancer.

    My first appointment  last week was mammogram,examination,ultra sound and biopsy of breast and lympth nodes. I was told like your wife at this appointment that they were almost certain it was cancer and started talking about treatments and further scans,

    I returned this week to positive biopsy results just as the dr suggested.

    i guess the consultants have a very good idea of what looks cancerous and what doesn’t

    I was advised that I had swollen lympth nodes on my U/S but thankfully the biopsy on those came back clear. 

    I am sorry I cannot say anything more positive but I guess the consultants deal with lumps on a daily basis and are sadly in most cases right with their initial diagnosis


  • Hi Tay,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear that you've also just been diagnosed. It's a horrible disease.

    I suppose it does make sense as they've seen many cases before.It just seem a bit premature, but we're braced for bad news next week, or at least confirmation of the bad news.

    My wife is only 42, so I'm really hoping it's not triple negative, as that seems to be the worst to get rid of.
