Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi everyone , I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer DCIS and also hormone positive . Its in my lymph nodes aswell . Had CT , Bone Scan and MRI . I’m back on Tuesday to find out results . I’m freaked out having pain in the middle of my back and kept thinking it’s spread . Everyone says it’s stress . I’m fairly healthy never smoked . Just wondering has anyone any advice please . Xx

  • Hi Mejules , 

    I’m so glad I did it . I thought I would have been upset but I wasn’t my Hairdresser did it for me , my husband was there with us we ended up having a good laugh ( he told me it took years off me !! ) . 

    The tiredness has hit me big time but am feeling really good . 

    Hope you are keeping well too and resting. 

    Take care xxxx

  • Hi big jean

    That sounds - not sure this is the right word -  lovely and I would likely my partner and kids there too. To be part of the journey. I am toying with the idea of going quite short now I’m readiness for the shave.

    glad you are not feeling too bad albeit very tired x 

    take care


    Hi BigJean,

    I'm glad to hear that you have done the deed and that you feel good about it. It's almost like taking ownership and control back over your own body, rather than leaving it to fall out as and when it likes.

    I'm glad that your hubby went along to the hairdressers with you and that you had a good laugh about it all. Sorry to hear about the tiredness - that's one thing that I haven't found a cure for. Just give in to your body's needs and rest/sleep whenever you need to.

    Thinking of you.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mejules , 

    i still have a bit of “stubble “ , so not too drastic! 

    It was good to have my husband there as support even though he did try to put me off doing it . 

    Best of luck with yours and let me know how it goes  

    j xx

  • Hi Jolamine, 

    yes im v glad I did it now and your are right I feel much more in control. 

    I can cope with the tiredness just about it’s hard to have to give in to my body’s telling me I need rest when I never sit still !! But it could be worse and I’m thankful I’m able to rest when I need to . 

    Thank you as always for your lovely message. 

    Hope all well with you 

    j xxx

  • Hi


    just letting you know I had my drain out yesterday as it was leaking after bottle changed day before. Unbeknown to me I had pulled the tube out quite far and the drainage holes that should have been inside me were actually on the outside - hence the leakage- ouch! Back tomorrow to check for a setoma but tick against another step to starting treatment. 

    Bit worried about results Wednesday particularly the lymph node results but have to remind myself it is what it is - nothing I can do to change it. 

    Take care all x


    Hi Mejules,

    Sorry to hear about the drain leak. I had one of these the second day after my surgery when I was taking a shower. Fortunately, I was still in hospital at the time and a very helpful nurse came and sorted me out. - It must have been more difficult for you to have to deal with this at home?

    Still, I'm glad that this led to getting your drain out altogether. Here's hoping that there is no sign of a seroma tomorrow.

    This is always a scary time, waiting for results, but no amount of worry will change anything. Still, you can hope for the best and, I sincerely hope that this turns out to be the case.

    Roll on Wednesday!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi BigJean

    Notices you mentioned tiredness, one of the tablets I was given I was recommended to take in the evening rather than the morning asnit causes drowsiness, just wondering whether that is something to talk to them about....bit of a long shot.


    i had my head shaved today, no emotion at all which I was surprised about.

    Touch wood, the only side effect I have had is heartburn, so I am knocking peppermint tea back at the minute. Give myself my first injection today so not sure what impact it will have.

    Hope all is well with you.



    Hi Woolylamb,

    I'm glad to hear that  the head shaving went without a hitch today and, that it wasn't too emotional for you.

    It's great to hear that heartburn is your only problem at the moment. Here's hoping that the rest of your treatment is plain sailing too.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi WL , 

    thank you for your advice re the tablet for tiredness I will check with them this week when I am there . Can’t believe this Friday I’ll be having my 3rd session of chemo! Weeks are flying by !!

    im so glad you got your head shaved and you weren’t emotional it feels good to be in control. 

    Hope you are keeping well and had a nice weekend. 

    I went to my brother in laws 40 th was very self conscious about wearing the wig and was more worried if anyone said anything!!! 

    I don’t think anyone noticed ( well if they did they didn’t say anything!!) anyway had a good night . 

    Take care 

    j xxx