Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi everyone , I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer DCIS and also hormone positive . Its in my lymph nodes aswell . Had CT , Bone Scan and MRI . I’m back on Tuesday to find out results . I’m freaked out having pain in the middle of my back and kept thinking it’s spread . Everyone says it’s stress . I’m fairly healthy never smoked . Just wondering has anyone any advice please . Xx

  • Hi Jolamine, 

    lovely to hear from you , hope you are keeping well ?

    All good this week , ready to face second round of chemo this Friday, was back at the hospital last Friday to have my bloods checked and all are good so on to round 2 . 

    Just hoping I don’t get as sick as I was the first time !! 

    Talk soon 

    J xx

  • hi everyone, sorry I’ve been a little quite.

    Big Jean- glad you are ready for your next round, I can’t believe how quickly it’s come around.

    Mejules- so pleased that you’ve had your op and you are recovering, what’s the next stage in the plan for you?


    I unfortunately haven’t started Chemo, wound was infected so had to have antibiotics. Anyway I’m scheduled to start on the 28th, talking to the oncologist we will go ahead even if the wound hasn’t healed totally as we need to get the treatment started. I’m worried about this to be honest, it’s playing on my mind, but then I remind myself that she is the expert and wouldn’t put me at any unnecessary risk. I’m frustrated and a bit low this week. Kids are on half term next week so a great week to start my treatment!!!

    Jolamine- thanks for keeping in touch, I really appreciate it. 




    Hi BigJean,

    I'm glad to hear that you are fighting fit this week and ready for round two. Have you got a different anti nausea medication to take to overcome your sickness this time? Make sure to mention the bad reaction you had last time before you start this one.

    I'm hoping and praying that it all goes well for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Wollylamb,

    I had a feeling that this might happen. You must be very disappointed. Still, in the bigger scheme of things it is only another week. I am sure that this sounds like forever to you at present, but it shouldn't have any adverse effects.

    I am sure that your oncologist wouldn't put you at any unnecessary risks. She is doing this all the time and knows exactly what she is doing.

    I agree that next week is not the ideal time for the kids half-term, but you can enjoy the long week-end together before you start treatment.

    I shall be thinking of you on Tuesday and hope that it goes well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks Jolamine.

    you are right, it’s only another week.... and more time to heal from the appendix op.   I just wish it was properly healed then I would feel better. 


    It is what it is.



  • Hi Jolamine, 

    thank you for your kind words. Yes I’ve extra anti sickness tablets for tomorrow and the weekend. 

    Got very upset this morning was washing my hair and a huge clump of hair came out . I know I said it wouldn’t bother me but it was such a shock . Anyway I have my wig . 

    Hope you are keeping well xx

    j xx

  • hi BJ

    glad to hear you’ve got some extra anti sickness tablets.


    sorry to hear about the shock of your hair coming out. I’ve decided to put my big girl pants on and get it shaved off rather than wait for it to fall out. I may not be as brave once I get to the hair salon though!!!!

    Hope all is ok tomorrow, will be thinking of you. 



    Hi Woolylamb,

    I know the frustration. My biopsy stitches still have not healed, nearly 3 months after I got them. This is despite having antibiotic tablets and cream to apply. Fortunately, it is the biopsy on my leg that is giving trouble and not the one on my face, which was carried out on the same day.

    I am lucky in that I am not waiting for any further treatment, but I am sure that you just want to get on with it now. Unfortunately, worry won't heal it any quicker. As you rightly say. It is what it is.

    I hope that you manage to enjoy the holiday weekend withthe family.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi BigJean,

    I'm glad to hear that you have been stocked up with extra anti nausea tablets to see you throughthe weekend.

    It is always upsetting when your hair starts to fall out. You are very brave to just let it happen. I think that I would be like Woolylamb and opt to cut it all off before this happens. I cannot explain why I feel like this, possibly because I might feel still in control of the cancer, rather than having it controlling me.

    Now that it has started, you may find the rest follows quite quickly. At least you have your wig at the ready!

    Feeling for you and hoping that all goes well tomorrow.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello to all the girls on here 

    reading all your experiences is good for preparing what may be ahead  good luck to everyone on this journey  all I know is I’ve never sat on couch so much 

    I’ve had a lumpectomy followed by second operation last Thursday to improve margins and remove all nodes as one was positive  I was discharged home after 3 nights and was upset as everyone was saying u must b delighted to b going home but this was only upsetting me as I was thinking no I’m not happy as this journey is only beginning.  

     I’m recovering from this and drain is coming out today and I’m getting results ...  I know nodes are clear as nurse told me on phone but margins  were not ready yesterday. I don’t what I’ll do if I need more margin work ??  It’s all a big scary journey 

    My arm is aching and has a heavy feeling following the lymph node clearance I’m really trying to exercise a lot has anyone experience with this procedure  Mejules  looks like you are recovering from this too I’m just hoping I will be able to get back running again 

    sorry for the big mumbled rant 
