
have just today been diagnosed with breast cancer and am booked in for a lumpectomy on 3rd jan.....any wise words would be welcome.....x

  • Hi Beachbabe

    I am physically recovering well after lumpectomy and relieved that there is no lymph node involvement. I have to see the consultant to plan radiotherapy next week and am on meds for 5 years. 

    Emotionally is another story....I feel guilty for feeling down when my prognosis is good.  I returned to work yesterday  3 weeks after the surgery because my company does not pay sick pay. I was not aware of this until my diagnosis. So I have had  a total of 7 days off. I am thinking I may need more time at the end of the radiotherapy. If I have to I will claim statutory sick pay but it is not much. Grr.... 

    how are you doing? 

    C x

  • Yeah I am ok now as mine was benign. But it took me a good few weeks to get my head round it because of the emotional side. I went back to work three weeks after my lumpectomy but on light duties for another 6 weeks. Must say my managers at work were fantastic. I had another scare two months after my operation in the other breast. I was devastated and couldn’t talk to anyone thankfully it’s a cyst. It’s still there but does worry me but I now have yearly mammograms so that will be April. Don’t feel guilty it’s a big thing for you to go through and emotionally it’s so hard. I had some counselling in the end which helped a lot x 

  • So pleased you are ok and are being supported. Benign or not, the stress is still the same! 

    C x

  • Totally agree it was more stressful than my divorce and that’s saying something!! X 

  • Hello,  pretty good all things considered, just managed a shower so feel quite perky! Just a 2 week wait to find out what exactly I am dealing with....eek!!

    hows things with you? Xx

  • Have my appointment 9th Jan. Scared as. How are you coping with the waiting? Have you been given any indication of what you are dealing with at all? 

    So glad you’re doing ok xx

  • The waiting is driving me nuts! All I know is that it's invasive ductal carcinoma, no idea of the grade....yet!

    whats you appointment on the 9 th( sorry, scrolled through the messages but didn't see)  I know you found a small lump under your arm?? Xxxx

  • Yeah it’s for the breast clinic to have the lump looked at and what ever tests etc they deem necessary. I’m really trying to be positive but fallen down the google rabbit hole many times and can’t stop feeling/ analysing lump. Is it soft/hard??? I don’t even know! Do you mind me asking what your initial symptoms were? 

  • Dr google isn't our friend...he can be evil...sick with the forum, you won't go far wrong...

    I had my hand under my right arm and was leaning on the arm of my chair when I felt a " marble" can imagine what went through my mind! What annoyed  e the most was when I rang the doctor, and the receptionist didn't seem to take notice that I was concerned about a breast lump....offered me an appointment for 2 weeks later! Think I may put in a complaint about that....when I have the energy...

    i really had no other symptoms, but of course now I know it's cancer I am getting all manner of aches and pains and convince myself it's spreading....but....I stay away from dr google....he would have me dead and buried by now! Lol! Xxx