How long for PET results

How long did people wait for PET scan results? My dad had his a week ago and they said it would be 3 days or so. Does the longer its left mean its better news than if you hear straight away or am I clutching at straws? Am praying no news is good news. I have a friend who worked in Oncology and she said if it was bad they would contact within 24 hours.


  • Hello LD1978.  Bear in mind that a lot of hospital post goes second class post (at least in my experience) and also that the Christmas postal rush is gearing up. I am not meaning to suggest that your dad needed to have had a first class delivery but I do think that if there was something that needed taken care of like yesterday they would have telephoned you?  Give it a couple of days and give them a ring because I understand that you will worry,  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Thank you so much. My mum called the secretary and she has said they have something back and will be in touch!

    Im praying its positive and not urgent and that they would of called but I guess nobody knows.

  • Hi LD

    I must admit I was wondering if your dad had had his results yet. Al I can tell you is that it was exactly one week for us from the PET scan. I think they had them within a few days but they had to wait for the weekly team meeting to gather all info and opinions. As you know, Dave was Stage 3c.

    Hope you get the info soon

    Thinking of you x

  • Thanks so much Monica. Did they tell you over the phone or did you have to go in for another appointment? Its been a week today so hoping its soon.

    He did see the nurse who referred him for the chest xray and she said the letter to the surgery made it sound positive and that it was on the outside of the lung with not much growth into the lung and surgery would remove it. Obviously this all depends on the PET as this was just from CT scan but I am praying for positive news.

    Hows things your end? x

  • We had to go in to speak to the oncologist. But your Dad's case does sound really hopeful.

    All I can tell you is that for Dave, the PET scan didnt show anything that wasnt on the CT scan-it just made it clearer and dispelled any worries that it might have spread outside lung and lymph nodes, so fingers crossed for your Dad.

    Dave's doing fine, thanks. No cancer symptoms, and just mouth ulcers so far from chemo, which have been dealt with. Next chemo day is tomorrow. We are being very careful-no germy people allowed near, no runny eggs and everything is sprayed with ant--bac to within an inch of its life! The emotional side is the hardest at the moment but most days we do ok.


  • I am really praying its positive and that their inital thoughts are right. I dont think the CT scan can show if it has spread though can it?

    I am so glad he is doing well and not suffering the side effects. I can imagine the emtional side is the toughest. Maybe when your both feeling up to it try and treat yourself to something (a nice meal or something) x

  • They called him today and he’s going in next weds. Seeing someone different to the first consultant so I’m worrying that this means it’s bad news (I think the first consultant said about operating and if he’s not seeing him again is that a bad sign) 

    will worry til next weds now :( 

  • I am the world's worst at trying to read something into what might not mean anything, so I can relate to your panic.

    However, Dave saw a bronchial person first who diagnosed cancer and after the PET scan he saw an oncologist who was more about the treatment plan.

    Try not to worry, love.

    Just be kind to yourself, if you can.

    And please let me know what they say on Wednesday.


  • Thank you :) I am trying to google the name of the person but he didn’t write it down well. It looks like storey but I can only find storrar. He’s part of the respiratory team of the first person he saw. But there’s also a lady with that name who is palliative care. I think he said mr.

    my minds going round and round and am praying it’s positive news for him.

    thanks for the support x