Adenocarcinoma of the cervix

Good day!

i am lawrence from the Philippines. I was searching for groups online who talk mostly about cervical cancers. My mom was diagnosed yesterday with adenocarcinoma, villoglandular pattern. It has been a tough news to take, but we are very hopeful we’ll be able to overcome this challenge. 


May I know for those here who were also diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, what were your symptoms? My mom only had vaginal discharge which were watery and smelly.  Not often though. Also, to those who have first hand knowledge about adenocarcinoma of the cervix, kindly enlighten me please as to what it is in terms of prognosis and aggressiveness. And what treatments you had.


i am one of the major sources of strength of my mom, and i always tell her of the positive things and encouragement that i read on threads like this. I am hopeful that you will be able to share some experiences and knowledge to me and my mom. God bless everyone.


  • Hello lawrencePH,

    A big welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear your mum has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the cervix it sounds like your mum has great support around her and it is really nice and thoughtful of you to come here and try and find out more information for her on this. You can find out a bit more about adenocarcinomas of the cervix on our page here.

    I hope you will also meet others on this forum who have been affected by this specific type of cervical cancer and that they will come and share their story with you.

    In case you were also looking for support close to your home, I thought I would also mention The Philippine Cancer Society so don't hesitate to also get in touch with them if you need any local support.

    Keep us posted on how things go for your mum. I am sure she really appreciates having you by her side during this difficult time.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator