My husband was diagnosed with INOPERABLE liver cancer called cholangiocarcinoma in June. He has been through 7 surgeries and 2 1/2 months of chemotherapy. We were told from his oncologist team that after 3 months of aggressive chemo that we are going 2 hve another CT scan 2 c if the tumor has shrunk. It's located in his main bile duct of the liver. The left side of his liver is completely dead. The right side of his liver is doing all the work. After reading several topics regarding this type of cancer, I have gotten very discouraged. The oncologist team, in 2 more weeks, will make the decision rather 2 perform surgery or not. It's an 8 1/2 hr surgery with dire COMPLICATIONS. It's an 1/2 inch away frm a main artery. Is there anyone out there that can give us some kind of hope ?? How much time do we hve ?? My husband is ONLY 59, NEVER DRANK IN HIS LIFE !!! Please, if anyone has some words of wisdom, please share. Even just reality n not fictional words. WE NEED 2 KNOW . THANK U N GOD BLESS.