Cancerous lump-14 yr old daughter

So,I posted on here a few weeks back to say my daughter was having a biopsy of the lymph node in her neck.We were waiting for the results after a week of being told they weren’t back and that they couldn’t find them,her lovely consultant phoned today to say we’d missed an appointment,one we have received no communication of otherwise obviously we’d have been there!Anyway she was lovely,it turns out my daughters lump was indeed cancerous.

We now have to wait until 8th June to meet with the surgeon who performed op and the Dr,she is waiting on a few more results to come in to find where we go from there as it may need further investigation and treatment or it may be a case of now it’s removed we watch and wait. Until the 8th I have no idea?

I’m devastated and it seems like the longest wait again!

thanks for listening 

  • From one mum to another , my heart goes out to you ... not our babies ... my son was diabetic at 14, and I've come so close to loosing him with hypos ... and it's there every day ... so l can feel a little of what it's like ...  just leave our babies alone ... 

    Saying that, you have to do what l did, get your mum's head on, find out everything you can... and help her kick cancers butt ... it will be the hardest time of your life ... l cried in my pillow for months ... but it was only when l thought , I'm going to find our everything about how to keep him as safe as possible, that l coped more ... but if you need to scream, do it .. rant at it ... then get your boxing gloves on and help knock it for 6 ... you can do this, we have no choice ... while you can still admit to her your scared and share a few tears ... that's part of this journey.  

    Sending you both a huge vertual hug ... Chrissie x

  • How awful for you - especially after waiting so long.

    All I can do is wish you good luck for the 8th, write down all the questions you have and go through them all and write down the answers you receive as we all forget things when we are stressed. What next? Is the most obvious question. 

    Good luck


  • Thanks so much Chrissie for your supportive words,We will definitely give it everything we’ve got.The 8th just seems so far away,I just want up deal with it now but,I understand they need to wait for more results as it will give us better understanding.




  • Thanks Dave,I really wish we’d known about the appointment thanks for the advice,I will definitely do that.As I said I know the 8th is only 2 weeks away but it seems so far away at the moment.

    Will be strong for her though,

    Love Hayley. Xxx

  • MILEY .....I know this waiting is never ending ... and everyday seems to drag ... but it will get here, and then they will have a lot more info ... always here if you would like a chat

  • Miley

    welcome to the forum and my thoughts a best wishes go out to you and your family at this point in time.

    Both Chris and Davek have given some great advice and support on getting through this stage.

    The process of a cancer diagnosis is one of education coupled with trying to understand and take in what’s going on. For this to then be happening to one of our children, then just multiplies everything.

    At the moment you will have a great need to know everything, but now you have been diagnosed, now comes the assessment to figure out the best way to treat the cancer. To enable this, you may have a CT/MRI scan this might be followed up by a PETCT scan (which is just a more advanced molecular scan)

    your medical team will then assess your treatment programme and this could be, an operation, radiotherapy, chemo therapy, a mixture of, or all three, but as your daughter is so young there maybe something else

    if it’s of any use I was diagnosed on 28th April 2014 at 12:35 and did not enter treatment until 8th July ..... but mine was a specific head an neck cancer, which may not be akin to your daughters

    i hope I have not put the fear of god into you, but having been through this process and having been where you are in the desire for answers, I have given you my version of events yours may differ.

    also to help you get the most from this site it would be of benefit to know the type of cancer your daughter is dealing with, armed this information, come back and talk to us and then you will get advice from those who have been through that specific cancer and can help you and your daughter through.

    the teenage cancer trust is also a great forum to help you and your daughter through this process.

    please don’t hold back in asking anything, all of us on here have either been through or going through the cancer process and I think it’s fair to say that the diagnosis and testing process is one of the most stressful in the whole process.

    please let us know how you all get on and remember this site is just as much for your benefit as it is for you daughter

    huge best wishes go out to you all.



  • Thanks Vatch,going to get every bit of advice and information I can. Hayley.x